"Setup requires a different version of Windows"

edited November 2016 in Software
I have a Windows 95 program for interfacing with a Cutler-Hammer OIT front panel that I'm having trouble installing. The website lists it as compatible with Win95, but the software manual shows it running in Win3.1.

I've tried installing this program on Win95, Win98, Win3.1, and even WinXP out of desperation with no success. The SETUP.EXE always outputs the following: "Setup requires a different version of Windows. Check to make sure that you are running Setup on the Windows platform for which it is intended."

Has anyone ever seen an issue like this before? I've tried everything I could come up with (including changing the system date in case by some chance it was a y2k compliance issue).

I'm not sure if this could be due to the installation file given by the manufacturer being corrupted, if it's checking in the wrong place (or expects a very particular result) for the Windows version, or if a completely different issue is causing this error.

The program can be downloaded from Eaton Power Management's website. I'm not 100% sure what kind of download links are allowed here, but this software is offered to anyone with no registration through the company.

It can be found here

I have Win3.1 running on an old PC and Win95 running in VMware. I've tried installing the program from a physical floppy disk as well as after copying the files locally and running the SETUP.EXE from there.


  • edited November 2016
    I don't think you did any research. And I doubt the 3.1 VMWare install was yours, as you would know the fresh install process is EXACTLY the same as bare metal. And that you can NOT downgrade from a newer os to 3.1. Or any other downgrade combination unless you're leaving 10 or "uninstalling" Xp.
    At this point in time, Microsoft hadn't begun to check or give much thought to downgraders.
    The setup program uses whitelist method, if your Windows build isn't on the "upgradeable" list, running setup in windows will result in this error you're receiving.

    I suggest you backup your files, format your hard drive, and install DOS. Then you can run setup from there and get things done.

    Since that thing has 95 and possibly a nicer ram bank, I'd recommend NT 3.51. Install the latest service pack, and you may be able to dual-boot with another windows. Not to mention its near Win95 compatibility and high speed(with ram).

    Saw one thing and thought another. Strike-through is disabled here. So I set it to quote. I'm not flawless.
  • Maybe my original post was poorly worded, but that is not even close to what I'm trying to do. I have no problem installing Windows or DOS.

    I am having an issue installing PanelMate 500 software ON Windows 95 OR Windows 3.1.
  • Facepalm at yourepicfailure... he didn't evne read the question.

    jrepperger, there are several setups in that archive. I assume you are trying to run "Configuration Software 1 of 2" since that exhibits the problem?

    Unfortunately, this file set is extremely crufty and seems to have a lot of mismatched and possibly missing files.

    The installshield setup stub is giving you that error because it can not find the platform specific setup file. Copy the file _inst16.ex_ from one of the other folders and setup will run.

    It will get trough the first disk, and the second, but then it asks for a "transfer disk" that seems to be missing.

    There is a "xfer utility" folder, but that is missing its setup program.... and requires a setup.exe from an earlier installsheild.... however the setup.exe in the "config manager" seems to be the right version, so just copy that in to the xfer utility folder and run it... if that happens to be the "transfer" software that it needs.

    hope that helps.
  • Thank you SomeGuy, I'm going to try that now.

    I was hoping that some of the files were just mixed up or separated, but had no idea how to tell which ones should go where.

    I just ran the installer again and it worked! I had an email chain going with a support guy from Eaton, so I let him know of the issue, so hopefully they'll fix this and re-upload the zip file or at least put a disclaimer on the downloads page.

    Thank you so much! I'll actually have good news for my boss this week lmao
  • Glad to hear that helped.

    It occurred to me, de-selecting the "Transfer Software" option at the Installation Options dialog, the setup will skip that and complete normally. It is selected by default. But you obviously figured that part out.
  • Yeah, it says to deselect that option in the word document included with the original download.

    You were also correct about the "XferUtility" folder needing the SETUP.EXE file from the "config manager" folder as well as also needing the "_INST16.EX_" file (or maybe not, but I stuck it in there for good measure)

    I finally was able to communicate with this front panel and pull up the configuration. You've helped me immensely; I've been trying to recover this machine for months!

    My contact from Eaton said he's going to send that change to the website controllers so no one else has to deal with this issue.

    Thanks again!
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