Is Microsoft "copying" Apple?

edited December 2016 in Software
This is a topic that is somewhat disputable amongst some, although some here claim that Microsoft are indeed ripping off Apple such as how their OSes look and for other services but upon conducting a Google lookup on the issue, there is no definite answer although, some believe that Apple are copying Microsoft. Yes, we all know that the two are always locking horns with one another when it comes to the computing world but, I believe we should look into this deeper. It was only recently that I believe Microsoft are copying Apple in some way, more so since the advent of Windows 8 when Microsoft rolled out the Windows Store and other pieces of tech, just like Apple with theirs that were around longer, and even with the existence of Cortana for the present day, an obvious ersatz of Siri. That might be them trying to compete with their rival but I think otherwise.

Now, onto the OSes. People claim that Microsoft deliberately ripped off OS X's looks for Windows Vista, especially with that shoddy Aero look where even OS X Leopard's aesthetics were much better than that, and was cleanly done. Aero just looks like soda water vomited over glass. It's just awful, and had once put me off from Windows back when it was new. On top of that, how the taskbar can be operated is very similar to OS X's signature dock but one can choose not to have that. It's no wonder these people were green with envy when Tiger had the advancements that they failed to make for Vista during its Longhorn days. Now, people (including SomeGuy, where I saw his specific post recently) claim that Win95's desktop environment was copied from the classic MacOS and I wouldn't be surprised if the folk all the way back in 1995 even said that. These two things were only recent discoveries I made and I am shocked, especially the former. I bet some others would feel dirty knowing this also, to think they grew up with Windows only then to realise what they've been using the whole time. Could be a contributing factor of some moving on to macOS and Linux but maybe it's just me that thinks this.

It may be to do with competition with one another or a sorry act of plagiarism, or with Microsoft learning something from them, feel free to have your say but speaking of that, at least Microsoft got their asses sued for their dirty antics before. Although, what I said would be parallel to McDonalds with Burger King and such. Although, I am interested of what things Apple may have pinched from Microsoft. I didn't quite expect that to be honest. Well anyway, discuss, have your say, or hate me for badmouthing Aero.


  • I think it's simply a matter of what people expect a computer to do at a specific point in time. Most OS's used to output mostly in text back in the early 80's, but in the late 80's-early 90's GUI's started to become more and more common and soon after people started to expect a GUI of some sorts to control their computer. Apple was quite early with this specific example, and Microsoft soon followed with Windows. Although I do believe Microsoft used Apple for inspiration, I don't believe they "ripped off" simply for incorporating some design elements. In the world of computing new trends come and go (or stay for longer, as we see with the graphical operating system), and every company wants to cash in on it, because otherwise they would be left behind compared to the competition.

    Siri certainly wasn't the only voice assistant out there when it first came out, but the concept was still in its infancy and Apple was simply one of the first to give it a prominent place in their iOS (and later macOS) interface. The same was the case with the iPad, which was released right around the time that tablets started becoming more popular on the consumer market.

    And in the end it doesn't really matter because every device, OS, or interface is different, and every user will have their own opinion on what is best based on their needs and preferences. I don't think they're gonna care whether or not the interface or OS they like using is somehow "copied" from a different company.
  • The general idea of a graphical OS is thought to have been invented by Apple, but the truth is that Apple employees back in the '80s actually got the whole idea from an experimental proof-of-concept-demo OS some university made. Microsoft's early Windows versions of Windows , mainly Windows 3.xx looked ALOT like Mac OS. Windows 95 has similarities, but is still mostly different and SIGNIFICANTLY SIMPLER than Mac OS. On the other hand, what is most definitely NOT copied from Apple is the whole app store concept. The whole single-place-to-get-apps-you-want concept dates back to a conference in 2000 where the future of mobile device tech was being predicted (my father personally attended this conference for one day). The whole idea was that instead of doing everything from your browser and having a full-fledged feature-stuffed OS, all you do is go to a single location via a special app and get only the apps you need/want. The app store is a universal concept that all modern platforms (Windows, Android, iOS, Symbian, etc...) have adpted. Aero, on the other hand is a nice attempt at making a modern sci-fi style interface and looks very nice if you tweak it the right way. Aero is, when it comes to the status bar part, a bit similar to the dock on Mac. This is minutia and not important at all. I am speaking this as a hater of Mac OS. :)
  • What you call "copying" is called competition.
  • pcgeek wrote:
    Aero, on the other hand is a nice attempt at making a modern sci-fi style interface and looks very nice if you tweak it the right way. Aero is, when it comes to the status bar part, a bit similar to the dock on Mac. This is minutia and not important at all. I am speaking this as a hater of Mac OS. :)
    I hope I'm not the only one who hated Aero. When I first got this laptop, I turned off Aero straight away because it made my eyes bleed, and had to put up with it when I used Win7 elsewhere, such as when I was at college. And, there is nothing wrong with hating on MacOS. You have your reasons and opinions the same with others in your league but, know that MacOS has improved over the years and that it still retains the easy-to-use-and-understand desktop environment since 1984. Windows on the other hand, has regressed with stupid colourful tiles and lazily-done flat design everywhere. Even Picasso can do better than that. What I just said may be subjective but, that's what I personally think.
    dosbox wrote:
    What you call "copying" is called competition.
    Maybe so...
  • How can you hate Aero? Aero is the sexiest theme M$ has ever put out there.
  • Every application "rips of" another in some way. It is not always fair.

    Garry Kildall is probably still bitching in his grave about how MS-DOS "ripped off" CP/M.

    The 1980's are full of good examples where one company creates a product that people like, and dozens other clamor to duplicate that success for their own companies.

    Company A creates a product that sells well and is perceived to work well. Company B makes their own unique product that does the same thing and works similarly. Of course Company "A" is going to be furious. The simple presence of Company B's product eats in to their sales and profits.

    But perhaps Company B dotted all their "i"s and crossed all their "t" so to speak, and did nothing illegal. So what is Company A going to do about it? Too often Company A has a legal shitfit, baselessly sues everyone left and right, and puts themselves out of business. When instead they should have worked to improve their product and provide solid support to their users.

    The end results of all of that are too often a tastless mess for end users. Too often Company B wins out, but has none of the original understanding or research that went in to creating the product in the first place. Too often Company B has to gimp their product to avoid patent or copyright issues. Too often winning Company B's product turns in to a pile crap when the bosses' 5 year old kid gets to design the new user interface :P.

    Too often these days Company B become the only game in town, and we only wish a Company C would rise up and fix everything.
  • dosbox wrote:
    How can you hate Aero? Aero is the sexiest theme M$ has ever put out there.
    It's too right in your eyes and very overbearing, plus I am not a fan of its effects also as I find them very distracting, such as for Aero Peek. Furthermore, I heard that it eats up memory but maybe that had changed over the years. I am a sucker for simplicity you know, and maybe I might not be alone here.
  • Aero is okay. but not the best, it is okay and not eye bleeding. in fact, i think it fits windows 7 perfectly. it is just when it is not transparent. it looks really bad. but aero for vista was a bad idea. although i prefer the "classic" look of windows XP and 9x. but aero is okay, not the best but not the worst.
  • They both copied Commodore (Magic Desk) who copied Xerox (Alto) in my opinion.
  • XeRoX, Palo Alto aka "PARC Place".

    Kildall met with billy and the boys - they couldn't reach a deal & Kildall was too busy flying in his aeroplane while buzzed anyway.

    It's called evolution. Once you decide something better than the CLI needs to happen, then there's an explosion of experiments. After a bit the guys/gals look around and think "hmm, that fella's method does work better - well, we tried but now - we'll use his".

    Same with plays done on the football field, to cars (they all look alike) to 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath homes, to blue jeans.

    The idea gets invented, experimented with, and at some futrue point consolidates into the mundane.

    As far as Apple vs Microsoft? - heheheheh - they both needed each other.

    Microsoft's first and biggest customer wasnt IBM - it was Apple - supplying both software and hardware to Apple and the consumer (I Still have a Basic board for the Apple with Microsofts name on it in a box someplace).

    It's all good - no need to get tribal.

    And I like Aero.

    BTW, the Tandy CoCo had a nice little GUI too.
  • Bry89 wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    How can you hate Aero? Aero is the sexiest theme M$ has ever put out there.
    It's too right in your eyes and very overbearing, plus I am not a fan of its effects also as I find them very distracting, such as for Aero Peek. Furthermore, I heard that it eats up memory but maybe that had changed over the years. I am a sucker for simplicity you know, and maybe I might not be alone here.
    Aero is quite nice compared to what I have seen on Linux. Although it can be a little bleak and at times annoying to look at ever single day. To say it make's your eye's bleed is a bit too much. I take it you have never had the pleasant and enjoy full experience of using CDE. Or windows 3.1 interface. Don't get me wrong, it's cool to use, but after a while it's you just get tired of it.

    As for who copied who. It all spans from xerox alto and star, in which apple copied xerox. Apple took a tour of the xerox palo alto facility, were they saw the amazing thing called the gui. Xerox showed them how it worked, as they were more proud of their networking printers than their gui. Apple made Lisa, then the Mac. Microsoft saw the rise out of this, and rushed to develop something close to it. I'm not to sure if people know, but M$ got sued in I think in 87', when Apple sued them, because Windows 2.0 had the look and feel of the Macintosh. Any who, that's my summery of this...
  • birdy wrote:
    Bry89 wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    How can you hate Aero? Aero is the sexiest theme M$ has ever put out there.
    It's too right in your eyes and very overbearing, plus I am not a fan of its effects also as I find them very distracting, such as for Aero Peek. Furthermore, I heard that it eats up memory but maybe that had changed over the years. I am a sucker for simplicity you know, and maybe I might not be alone here.
    Aero is quite nice compared to what I have seen on Linux. Although it can be a little bleak and at times annoying to look at ever single day. To say it make's your eye's bleed is a bit too much. I take it you have never had the pleasant and enjoy full experience of using CDE. Or windows 3.1 interface. Don't get me wrong, it's cool to use, but after a while it's you just get tired of it.
    Actually, I have used Windows 3.1 briefly before, and knew about CDE too. Aero just never appealed to me... that's all.
    I'm not to sure if people know, but M$ got sued in I think in 87', when Apple sued them, because Windows 2.0 had the look and feel of the Macintosh.
    I knew that before. That was what I was referring to in my initial post.
  • Nice essay.

    I think windows aero looks beautiful to be honest
  • The theme is the least important part of a GUI. Although using 3D hardware accelerated compositing has some advantages.

    But using translucent window borders is a dumb idea. Nothing like looking at a series of dialog box screen shots and realizing that Mr. Goatse is in the background...
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