Windows 3.11/WFG Virtual Machine

edited December 2016 in Software
I would like to get/install an already made VM of Win 3.11 WFG. There is an archive on WinWolrd of one, but have no clue what's up with it when I look inside (too many files?).

Additionally, I believe this would have to run on DosBox, because some of the stuff I will be working with uses the TP7, and that "runtime error 200" will pop up a lot, and it's my understanding that DosBox allows turning the virtual CPU speed down.

I'll be blunt: I'd rather invest my energy doing the work on these softs - NOT learning every nuance of what is hot/not hot in the world of VM.

I'm old - not an excuse, but time /IS/ limited (heheheheh)



  • If you're looking for a ready to go VM of Windows for Workgroups 3.11, there is one, as you mentioned, on this site. It has many files because it is made to run in VMWare, not VirtualBox or DosBox or what have you. The reason there are so many files is because this VM has a split VHD in order to make it easier to move. You won't be able to use this with DosBox so you're going to have to install it yourself, unless you can find it online.
  • The aechive on WinWorld - it will run in a VMWare player? Or will I need more?

    I don't really get the " because this VM has a split VHD in order to make it easier to move". How/when would I do this?

    If the WinWorld archive gives me a ready to run machine, that would be fine.
  • What I mean by split VHD is the fact that the single virtual hard drive image is split up, therefore making smaller files that are easier to move. The WinWorld archive is ready to run, just choose open a virtual machine and choose the machine definition file. You don't need to do anything to the files as far as the split VHD goes. All you'll need is VMWare Player which you can download free.
  • jamie1130 wrote:
    What I mean by split VHD is the fact that the single virtual hard drive image is split up, therefore making smaller files that are easier to move. The WinWorld archive is ready to run, just choose open a virtual machine and choose the machine definition file. You don't need to do anything to the files as far as the split VHD goes. All you'll need is VMWare Player which you can download free.

    Thank you!
  • 02k-guy wrote:
    the stuff I will be working with uses the TP7, and that "runtime error 200" will pop up a lot, and it's my understanding that DosBox allows turning the virtual CPU speed down.
    Somewhere there was an automated tool that would patch executables containing this runtime bug. If that works on your executables, it would be better than having to throttle CPU speed.
  • There is a pre-installed version of Windows 3.11 in Dosbox available at Vetusware: ... /?id=10832
    It requires a little tweeking (shown in the comments), but it runs remarkably well on Windows 7.
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    02k-guy wrote:
    the stuff I will be working with uses the TP7, and that "runtime error 200" will pop up a lot, and it's my understanding that DosBox allows turning the virtual CPU speed down.
    Somewhere there was an automated tool that would patch executables containing this runtime bug. If that works on your executables, it would be better than having to throttle CPU speed.

    Yes, thank you. I have a couple of RT200 tools. The hope was to avoid patching where possible, because the need is to simply get some screen shots in most instances.
  • altracker9 wrote:
    There is a pre-installed version of Windows 3.11 in Dosbox available at Vetusware: ... /?id=10832
    It requires a little tweeking (shown in the comments), but it runs remarkably well on Windows 7.

    Thank you and thanks for the direct link. I'll go there immediately. I've uploaded quite a few titles there myself.
  • UPDATE: After reviewing the comments at Vetusware, I poked around some more and found a fast solution here:

    Install DosBox 0.74, mount the WFW311 image and done.

    Thanks to everyone that responded!
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