Photoshop setup.exe does not work

edited December 2016 in Software
My Photoshop 3 stopped working and I don't have the source material, so I downloaded the version on . When I run setup.exe nothing happens. It shows up in task manager and can't be killed. Has anyone had any success with this item?

I loaded v 2.5 which I have in a similar format (individual floppy images). Running setup.exe in that version works fine. I'm using win xp pro sp3.

I have a working version of PS 6 but "we" much prefer PS 3. Bummer!


  • Works fine for me. Perhaps try clearing your temp folder.
  • The setup.exe just refuses to run. It starts up and then locks up. "End process" on setup.exe in task manager does nothing - it just sits there and won't go away. Ending (with an error message) does terminate the setup.exe .

    SomeGuy -
    What does the temp folder have to do with it? Did you actually get the v.305 setup.exe downloaded for here to work on a Win XP? What is it that "works fine" for you?
  • Are you using Photoshop 3.0.4 or 3.0.5? Photoshop 3.0.4 has a fully 16-bit installer intended for use in Win32s environments, 3.0.5 uses InstallShield, so you can use a 32-bit stub to launch a 32-bit setup.
  • ampharos - I'm using 3.0.5 .
    Last night it finally worked. I double clicked on setup.exe and just let it sit. It stayed listed in the task manager, I think with some significant % cpu usage, and in about 30 minutes or so it finally kicked in and went through about 80% of the install and died. Then I started it again and it went through OK. My Photoshop 3 is working now. Thanks for your response.
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