Windows Whistler 5.1.2267.1 setup problems

edited December 2016 in Software
It's stuck on "Setup is starting windows whistler..." am I just impatient or does it usually take this long?


  • Mine came out even worse because i tried it a few days ago too, i kept on getting a BSOD. im not sure if my hardware is too new for it but im on a VM so it can affect it(?)
  • Did either of you change the date and time on whatever machine/virtual machine you are using? That can sometimes cause errors because there are timebombs in the OS that are designed to make them useless after a certain date. Check online for said dates.
  • I have a solution that you should try. Whistler is based on Win2000, and Win2000 won't support SATA drives at all. If you are using a VM program, set the drive controller to be IDE and not SATA.
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