need help to download and use IBM Filing Assistant

edited March 2017 in Software
Am a beginner at this, trying in vain to try to download and use the IBM Filing Assistant, Writing Assistant for check if they can open up ancient files from 1980s. Can anyone help and give me detailed simple instructions? Thank you.


  • There are no simple instructions for this sort of thing.

    But to hopefully point you in the right direction:
    - If you are using a 64-bit Windows, your best bet for running DOS software is probably to download and install the DOSBox emulator.
    - The IBM Assistant series is a re-branding of the PFS: series published by Software Publishing Corporation. You can find later versions of some of the PFS: series applications here.
    - Depending on what you are doing, you might really just want import filters for later word processors. I don't have a list of those with PFS importers off hand, but perhaps someone else does.
  • What is a DOSBox emulator and what does it do? Is it available here on WinWorld? Thank you for the advice by the way. I wish to look thru old documents written in the 80's and 90's, mainly texts.
  • I think you've been asking too many questions.

    First I recommend to use Google Search ( and search DOSBOX before asking many questions.
    Then you can find or learn about DOSBOX.

    There is no DOSBOX emulator on WinWorld.
  • Following suggestions to use DOSBOX, I downloaded DFEND RELOADED, which is a new expanded version of DOSBOX. I tired to drag copies of files of a backup of IBM FILING ASSISTANT, hoping this might work, but came up with reply that EXE file is missing. It is not. It was one of the 10 files in this backup. Or am I doing this totally wrong? In general, my approach was to use DOSBOX to open up a word program called IBM FILING ASSISTANT from 1984, and then to open up documents in this. Any suggestions from anyone? Thank you. Maybe this accepts only games.
  • You dragged a copy of the files somewhere? Where was that, the DOSBox folder? You have to set a directory to act as an emulated drive, just create a new folder, learn how to use DOSBox commands and MOUNT the folder. Please read the documentation that comes with your emulator. ibmpc5150 is correct, is a wonderful website for the easy part like this. You can find much documentation and many guides for using DOSBox. Forums are good for really tough stuff, but don't expect to have your hand held throughout the entire process.
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