Problems with MS-Office 4.3c Italian

edited December 2016 in Software
Hi, sorry for the bad Inglese, but I'm Italian.
I have some problems During the installing of Office 4.3, in my Unisys386 computer. I have downloaded files from here. Everything go straight until I insert the 2nd floppy. The computer can not read the floppy for an unknown reason, Although I'm sure about the correct funtioning of the floppy disk and drive.
How can I solve this problem?
I will post some screenshot, if you need.
Thanks Luca


  • That disk set is in Microsoft DMF (1.68mb) format. Most newer machines/USB floppy drives have problems with that.

    What software and hardware did you use to write the disks?

    I would expect a 386 to be able to read the DMF disks ok, but does it have a "normal" 1.44mb floppy drive and controller?

    Unfortunately we don't have a 1.44mb Italian version.

    If you have other ways to transfer files to the machine such as a serial LapLink connection, or CD drive, or can connect the hard drive to another machine, you should be able to extract Office 4.x disks to folders named disk1, disk2, disk3, and so on, and run setup from the disk1 folder.
  • I use Rawwritewin to write discs, from my windows 10 pc with a USB floppy drive.
    My computer has no CD drive, just a 1.44MB floppy disk unit, so I think it is better to install USB drivers for DOS 6.22 and try to put all the files on the hard drive.
    I hope it will be simple, since i have had some problem installing the Usb Aspi Drivers
    Thank you
  • That's the problem, lobotomized "modern" USB floppy drives have no idea how to write DMF disks. As if that weren't bad enough, many can not even use 720k disks.

    Not sure what you are trying to do with USB here, you would need at least a PCI based 486 to add USB.
  • In this case, you should check your PC BIOS.

    I'm testing to install Office 4.3c (Italia) on PCEM v11 (AMI 386 BIOS).

    No problem to read 1.68MB DMF image.
    (Floppy Drive is set to 1.44MB)

    If you still can''t read 1.68MB DMF disk on your 386 PC, run 800 II Diskette BIOS Enhancer 1.68.

    Then try to read 1.68MB DMF disk.
  • Thanks. For now I have installed on my 386, the 4.0 (eng). It's quite similar to the 4.3c, and it doesn't have DMF files.
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