JASC Paint Shop Pro 9.x updates

edited January 2017 in Software
So a lot of my free time is spent ferreting out old software & finding updates & related pages that have graphics, info - whatever for history's sake.

Nothing left of the old JASC ftp site - although Archive.org has some really good saves (Thank you Archive.org!).

Anywho: If you google some, you may come up with this link:


It appears on first glance that Corel out of the kindness of its heart, has kept available the updates for all the last pre-Corel versions of JASC software - Paint Shop Pro, Animation Shop and so on.

But the links don't work! You get a "Page Not Found" error! Damn!

Well, here's the fix. Take this link as an example:
http://www.corel.com/pub/update/Interna ... _Patch.exe

Replace http://www.corel.com/pub/update/
With http://www.corel.com/6763/psp_downloads/pub/update/

so that you end up with:
http://www.corel.com/6763/psp_downloads ... _Patch.exe

and it works!

Now that requires some copy/pasting in a text editor, but it sure is a miracle.

Also, I use "ReGet Deluxe" a now defunct Downloader. The big advantage is it preserves file dates. Which is almost as good as using an ftp client - which it also does - even spidering. Of course, ReGet relied on online licensing - which I had to um... "fix" because they no longer exist - but it's still a helluva good proggie.
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