finding user password in linux

edited January 2017 in Software
I gotten a raspberry pi and a touch screen for it. I using the linux that came with the touch screen since it has the driver installed for the touch screen. The linux version i am using is Ubuntu mate 16.04. They never told me what the user password was. I can't install any updates or nothing since it ask me for the user password and i don't know it. Is there a way to get the user password? There no grub on it. It just show a rainbow square few about 10 second then boots up. hope there a way to get it. I look online but not much i could find. Thanks for the help.


  • The password is located in a hash in /etc/shadow usually. You're not going to easily recover this, you could brute force or maybe try and find a rainbow table - it's likely a simple password. You're better off just resetting it or even better, just copy the touch screen kernel module(s) over to a proper Ubuntu image.
  • I download Ubuntu mate image for the raspberry pi. But it won't work on this system. It boots so far and the kernel panics and it stop booting. I seem be able to use the version that comes on the dvd that came with the touch screen. Well thanks for the help.
  • ok i found the user password. It was simple like stitch said. it was raspberry. Thank you again.
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