Mac OS X Developer Previews 1-4 on Qemu

edited January 2017 in Software
Hi, This is not a tutorial. I want to say that I have been working on figuring out how to DP3, Including DP2, 4, and Public Beta on QEMU. This is the only emulator that can work DP 1-4, including Public Beta, and the Server editions. I am currently working on DP3, going to start DP2 soon. I will not be releasing any code for anyone to test. I hope I can figure this out and release a tutorial soon.


  • DP1 would probably not run under QEMU as it emulates a machine that is too new for it.
    As for DP4, well, last time I checked, it was stuck looking for the root device.
  • Yea, I get errors from the following DP's...

    1: ALMOST impossible to install, haven't tried.
    2: No set program or something like that.
    3: No volume to partition/Install on.
    4: Haven't tried

    All of these are on QEMU
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