[OFFER] 2 Windows Betas, and 2 DOS Betas
I have 2 Windows betas and 2 DOS betas,
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Beta [3.11.26] [1993-02-07] [3.5-1.44MB] [English] {9 Floppy Disks}
This is the EARLIEST WfW 3.11 build so far that is out there.
This will work in most hypervisors and emulators
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Beta [3.1.475.1] [1993-06-09] [3.5-1.44MB] [English] {24 Floppy Disks} (THAT'S A LOT!!!
Final beta from June 1993
This will work best in 86box, but can possibly work in Virtualbox
In WINVER, it says 4755, while everywhere else it says 475, this might have been a typo, so just ignore it. 475 is the actual build number
If you want to install this, look up how to apply the Pentium II patch: https://www.thecollectionbook.info/information/patch_nt3x
IBM DOS 6.0 Beta [6.010] [1993-05] [3.5-1.44MB] [English] [!] {4 Floppy Disks + README.TXT} (what's with the exclamation mark :shock: )
This might have been a beta of the version 6.1
This is VERY difficult to install. I have no instructions other than setting this up in a earlier DOS version
The setup seems to be missing and DISK 4 is corrupted.
Microsoft MS-DOS 6.0 Beta [6.0.0303] [1992-10-15] [5.25-1.2MB] [English] {5 Floppy Disks}
Dated October 15th 1992
This is an UPGRADE version, so the drive must be formatted before starting the installation
That's All I have to Offer, Thanks to Overdoze from BetaArchive for uploading these to BA
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Beta [3.11.26] [1993-02-07] [3.5-1.44MB] [English] {9 Floppy Disks}
This is the EARLIEST WfW 3.11 build so far that is out there.
This will work in most hypervisors and emulators
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Beta [3.1.475.1] [1993-06-09] [3.5-1.44MB] [English] {24 Floppy Disks} (THAT'S A LOT!!!

Final beta from June 1993
This will work best in 86box, but can possibly work in Virtualbox
In WINVER, it says 4755, while everywhere else it says 475, this might have been a typo, so just ignore it. 475 is the actual build number
If you want to install this, look up how to apply the Pentium II patch: https://www.thecollectionbook.info/information/patch_nt3x
IBM DOS 6.0 Beta [6.010] [1993-05] [3.5-1.44MB] [English] [!] {4 Floppy Disks + README.TXT} (what's with the exclamation mark :shock: )
This might have been a beta of the version 6.1
This is VERY difficult to install. I have no instructions other than setting this up in a earlier DOS version
The setup seems to be missing and DISK 4 is corrupted.
Microsoft MS-DOS 6.0 Beta [6.0.0303] [1992-10-15] [5.25-1.2MB] [English] {5 Floppy Disks}
Dated October 15th 1992
This is an UPGRADE version, so the drive must be formatted before starting the installation
That's All I have to Offer, Thanks to Overdoze from BetaArchive for uploading these to BA