Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2 - Boot Disk is Corrupt

edited March 2017 in Software
I'm trying to install Windows 95 and the boot disk can't boot the iso.

Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2 - Boot Disk (OAK CD-ROM) (3.5-1.44mb).7z


  • Can you open the ISO to see if the file is actually there? If you can edit the ISO I can probably find the file you need, or I may be able to provide another ISO, although I don't know if my copy is OSR2.

  • @Captain Caper
    Boot disks are diskette images, saved in IMG format. ISO is for optical media.

    Issues like these are why I like to customize my boot floppies. Install Win95 B/C with MS-DOS 6, then SYS a floppy after install. Write the startup files and add drivers and utilities. Repartition the hard disk using the 32-bit version of FDISK you copied to the floppy. Then reinstall Win95 as you would normally.

    Or, go to that bootdisk site everyone else seems to like.

    EDIT: The right driver is on the diskette. It's TSYCDROM.SYS, just have to edit the CONFIG.SYS file to replace the bad line.
  • That's weird. It does look like that disk has been futzed with. An OEM 95 boot disk will typically only have one CD driver - the one intended for the OEM machine.
  • I wonder it is tested on PC with CD-ROM before it is uploaded.

    I have boot disk of Windows 95 (OEM / OSR?) media.
    But the boot process is very complicated.
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