Windows 3.0 Debug Release 1.14 (TUTORIAL)

edited March 2017 in Software
Hi! Today i'm going to show you how to get Windows 3.0 Debug Release 1.14! Also known as 3.00.14, Pre-Release 0.1, and ISV-Release.

What you need:

Windows 3.00.14 Floppy Disks {2 Floppy Disks} Winworld
MS-DOS 4.01: Winworld

That's all you need, let's start!

Step 1: Download, and extract the files to a location you will remember.

Step 2: Setting up the VM
2.1: Go to New, and give it any name you like, and select Microsoft Windows -> Windows 3.1
2.2: Give the Memory Size (RAM) 12 MB, (MORE THAN 16MB WILL CAUSE THE OS TO CRASH!!!!)
2.3: Create a VHD
2.4: Select VDI, VMDK, or VHD. YOUR CHOICE!!
2.5: Select Dynamically Allocated
2.6: Give it 30MB of Size
2.7: Click Finish and go to Settings.
2.8: Go to Storage, and put in the MS-DOS 4.01 Disk 1 Floppy Disk
2.9: Click OK

Step 3: Setting up MS-DOS 4.01
3.1: You will get a setup program called SELECT, press ESC, and F3

Step 4: Installation
4.1: Put in the 1st disk of 3.00.14
4.3: Hopefully it should detect C:\WINDOWS. Type DIR to make sure the a WINDOWS directory is there.
4.4: Once it copies the files, put in Disk 2.
4.5: Once done, you need to edit your CONFIG.SYS, so it's going to boot. There is no EDIT command, so we're going echo the commands to the CONFIG.SYS.
4.6: Type
4.7: Type
4.8: Reset the VM

Step 5: The Fun Part
5.1: You should see a DOS XMS Driver message before it gives the MS-DOS 4.01 copyright info. If you do, it should boot. If it says that there is an error loading it. Then go back and follow the steps again.
5.2: Make sure you're in the C:\ drive
5.3: Type WIN386

If everything goes well, and the shell loads up, CONGRATULATIONS! You have installed Windows 3.0 Debug Release 1.14! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
More Tutorials Coming Soon!
That's All!


  • (Hope you see my comment)
    Fun fact: If you install windows 3.0.14 on windows 2.0 hard disk, on my virtual machine can't load win 3.0.14 but can still load win 2.11 with win 3.0.14 setting
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