Problems installing Windows 95

edited April 2017 in Software
Hi, I am trying to install Windows 95 on VMware without any luck. I downloaded the floppy disk version of Win95 and to the advice in the txt file that came with it. It said for easier installation extract all the files from all the floppy disks and copy them to the hard drive. I extracted all the files with Winrar except for one which refused to open so I used MagicISO for that one. (Not sure if that's important, just thought I'd mention it) I put all the file in MagicISO and created an ISO. I mounted the ISO in VMware and use the Win98 cd to boot to DOS. I copied the files to the hard drive, however, every time I run setup it asks for the 2nd disk almost immediately. I thought maybe it asking was just built into the setup so I swapped the setup on the floppy disks for the one on the cd version. I still asked for the 2nd disk which makes me wonder: Does the Windows 95 setup adapt to the different versions of Win95. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any advice or suggestions? Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble.

Over and out,
IE is Evil!!!


  • viewtopic.php?f=36&t=9191

    Retail (Full or Upgrade) Floppy Disk version can be installed from Floppy Drive.
    (Not from Hard Drive directly without Floppy Emulation.)
  • Well that sucks. Thanks for your help.
  • @IE is Evil!!!
    If you wanted to install Win95 from a CD, why didn't you just download the ISO version instead of making some Frankenstein disc image?
  • BigCJ wrote:
    @IE is Evil!!!
    If you wanted to install Win95 from a CD, why didn't you just download the ISO version instead of making some Frankenstein disc image?

    The end of your comment made me laugh. The reason I made a Frankenstein disk was to install Windows 95 WITHOUT Internet Explorer.
  • @BigCJ

    Yes, you're right.

    @IE is Evil!!!

    Which Windows version do you really want to install exactly?

    If you want to install floppy version of Windows 95, you must boot MS-DOS 6.x or Windows 95's Setup Disk from floppy.
    Then you can install the Floppy version as follows.


    Also you can refer the method of installation Win95 CD-ROM version with Screenshot.
  • Before my crazy Frankenstien project I tried this
    However, I couldn't find the SETUPPP.INF file mentioned in the instruction. I was going to search the
    CABS, but laziness and all that. Anyway, thank you for the link. I will give it a go. If that doesn't work
    I figured I would just manually load the .IMG files into VMware.
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