Trick for young players
Most of us who were around to tear the shrink wrap off win95 probably already know this trick but I thought I would share it anyway. I'll use 98 for the example.
Select option 1 START WINDOWS INSTALL go through the partitioning let windows reboot and select the same option. After windows finishes formatting hit ESC. This time select option 2 WITH CDROM SUPPORT. It will drop you to A:\ (I'll caps DOS and use small case for what you want to type)
A:\ c:
C:\ mkdir win98
C:\ copy d:\win98 win98
C:\ cd win98
C:\WIN98> setup
press enter.
We did this back in the day to make installing quicker, but windows won't ask for the cd if you make hardware changes.
Select option 1 START WINDOWS INSTALL go through the partitioning let windows reboot and select the same option. After windows finishes formatting hit ESC. This time select option 2 WITH CDROM SUPPORT. It will drop you to A:\ (I'll caps DOS and use small case for what you want to type)
A:\ c:
C:\ mkdir win98
C:\ copy d:\win98 win98
C:\ cd win98
C:\WIN98> setup
press enter.
We did this back in the day to make installing quicker, but windows won't ask for the cd if you make hardware changes.
Oh God, no, NO.
What I was saying was that copying the install media to the hard drive might as well be a required part of any 9x installation since there are so many times when it wants the original install source. I know fully well that this works as I did it for years as part of every 9x install that I did.