Mark all topics/forums read...

edited May 2017 in Site Issues
Why is this feature not available here on WinWorld?

Recently, because of unapproved posts, there is currently one topic in the Software forum that always shows up as "blue" (a.k.a. "Unread Posts") with absolutely no way to correct this issue at all. Normally I would automatically mark all topics read, but since this isn't possible on this site, that basically means that I'm stuck with this notification of new posts that can't even be seen. This means that I'm not able to do this on this site at all, whereas BetaArchive and other sites allow this with no issues at all.

Either that or I simply wasn't looking in the correct place, but if the latter is true, then it must be extremely well hidden to say the least.


  • You can clear forums separately with the "Mark topics read" button in the top right corner on each forum. It's just above the "Last post" bar.
  • Thanks. At least that problem is solved now.
  • I've wondered this also, and I was meaning to report the issue myself also. Usually all forums have "Mark all topics read" so why is this one missing it? :? Also, marking each forum as read seems a little unnecessary to me... I'd rather have them all read in the one go.
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