What the hell are these?
I get so tired of people just uploading stuff with no description at all. Sure, sometimes it is obvious, and often I will want to look it up anyway. But I don't always magically know what everything is.
So what the hell are these?
You can't just poop in the upload folder and expect me to post it. And people wonder why Idiotville has such strict upload guidelines.
Well, at least it was not another copy of Windows XP :P
Oh, and with a user name of "a2438320" signed up with a disposable e-mail services, I'm just assuming these will blow up in my face.
So what the hell are these?
[DIRECTX.SDK].V5.0.exe DirectX1_GDC2005_Beta.zip DirectX2.zip DirectX3.zip dx61sdkimage.exe dx7adxf.exe dx7sdk-7001.exe DX81b_SDK.exe dx81sdk_full.exe DX8a_SDK.exe DX8SDK.EXE dx90bsdk.exe dx9sdk.exe dxsdk_apr2005.exe dxsdk_apr2006.exe dxsdk_apr2007.exe DXSDK_Aug08.exe DXSDK_Aug09.exe dxsdk_aug2005.exe dxsdk_aug2006.exe dxsdk_aug2007.exe dxsdk_dec2004.exe dxsdk_dec2005.exe dxsdk_dec2006.exe DXSDK_Feb10.exe dxsdk_feb2005.exe dxsdk_feb2006.exe dxsdk_feb2007.exe DXSDK_Jun08.exe DXSDK_Jun10.exe dxsdk_jun2005.exe dxsdk_jun2006.exe dxsdk_jun2007.exe DXSDK_Mar09.exe dxsdk_march2008.exe DXSDK_Nov08.exe dxsdk_november2007.exe dxsdk_oct2004.exe dxsdk_oct2005.exe dxsdk_oct2006.exe dxsdk_sum2004.exeOk, something DirectX software development kit related... but why are they in self extracting EXEs? Why no CD ISO dumps? Weren't these either freely redistributable or part of some other product (I don't know, never did any DirectX programming). Why are these historically important? Why should these be on Winworld? What benefit would these serve the community? Why should I care about these?
You can't just poop in the upload folder and expect me to post it. And people wonder why Idiotville has such strict upload guidelines.
Well, at least it was not another copy of Windows XP :P
Oh, and with a user name of "a2438320" signed up with a disposable e-mail services, I'm just assuming these will blow up in my face.
As for WW's interest? If it can still be obtained from Microsoft, I don't see why to keep these.