Is there a way to simulate dialup connection speeds?

edited June 2017 in Software
Hello everyone,

I am testing some old OSes in VirtualBox. I'm wondering if there is a way to simulate the speeds of a dialup connection (just as an experiment) in VirtualBox on macOS. If that isn't possible, is there a way to do this on macOS itself? (I am aware of Network Link Conditioner, but that doesn't seem to have any effect on my Mac.)

Help would be appreciated.

P.S. The guest OSes are MS-DOS (6.22, 7.1-CDU, and 8.0), Win95, and Win98SE.


  • My best guess would be to use other computers to eat up all the bandwidth but other than that,I would have no clue.
  • My best guess would be to use other computers to eat up all the bandwidth but other than that,I would have no clue.
    Well, i use XP and the fastest my WI-FI goes on it is 56k, so try a really old, slow WI-FI card i guess.
  • is for Windows and works fairly well.

    VMWare (Workstation at least, not sure about Fusion) has a way to limit network I/O.

    I'm sure there's probably a way on MacOS, esp. given it's *nix underpinnings, but nothing immediately comes to mind.
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