Windows and DOS errors.

edited August 2017 in Software
I have decided to place Windows 286/2.11 back on to the pack-mate III since it ran quite good and Windows 3.0 slow, even when I max the RAM out, the processor and speed will still be a limiting factor, I also already have a laptop that runs Windows 3.1.

I deleted all the files and folders in the Windows directory, and then the Windows directory itself, and then setup Windows 286/2.11.

Now when I boot up, I get:

ERROR: An Extended Memory Manager is already installed. XMS Driver not installed.


SMARTDrive: Incorrect DOS version.

I am running MS-DOS 5.

I've looked in both config.sys and autoexec.bat, but can't see what to remove or "REM" out, or where to apply "SETVER".

I probably just don't know what to look for, what should I do to remedy these problems?



  • Reinstall DOS, version 3.30 or 4.0 for the SMARTDRV issue.

    What are the contents of your AUTOEXEX.BAT and CONFIG.SYS?
  • BigCJ wrote:
    Reinstall DOS, version 3.30 or 4.0 for the SMARTDRV issue.

    What are the contents of your AUTOEXEX.BAT and CONFIG.SYS?

    I'll just format, install 3.30, then install Windows and everything else.

    Hopefully this is the last time I'll need to do a formatting and re-installation.

    I had no problem with Windows 286/2.11 under PC-DOS 3.30, plus I got a legitimate hard copy of PC-DOS 3.3 with the machine, so I should use it.


    LOL, Dual Module Player and my SB16 work perfect with even PC-DOS 3.30
  • DOS version 3.30 is usually the cut off point. Most DOS programs work well with 3.30, and peripherals like the SoundBlaster cards were made for 3.30 and up. Program compatibility gets very flaky if you use any older DOS version.
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