Neptune CD's "neptune5111.txt" file

edited September 2017 in Software
There's a text file found in the Neptune 5111 CD image, it seems to be left as a note to users by the original owner of the CD, basically some ranting about how neptune got cancelled

here is part of the file's contents:

" What does Bill Gates do one week after he puts himself in
charge of all software development and makes Steve Balmer
CEO ? He NUKES Neptune !! Oh m'gawd !! What a BAD move !
I've been using this Developers Release since I got my hands
on it back in December and it's wonderful ! OK ... so it has
one quirky bug in explorer that won't open pages in the
correct frame of a framed web page. Big deal.
The original file has been replaced so this thing
NEVER expires !! Originally it was a 444 day trial that reset
itself when you reinstalled."

this is overlooked by many people installing this copy of Neptune, so i am sharing it here


  • Wow, where found this text file?
  • I've seen it before, and I found it funny to be there in the first place. Don't know if that implies that the Neptune ISO is indeed a hackjob though, when the text did say that a file had been replaced.
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