[OFFER] Aldus Type Twister
I found a program called Aldus Type Twister on an old floppy disk. This one seems pretty interesting, as I could only find information about it's Mac release, but this version is for Windows. I tested it successfully on Windows 3.1 and 98 SE. I know that submitting software through the site is down right now, so if you're interested I have it hosted through archive.org at https://archive.org/details/AldusTypeTwister1993
What does Aldus Type Twister do? Is it somewhat like a precursor to WordArt?
As far as I can tell, yes. It allows you to customize and design words or phrases in many different styles. In the readme, it calls itself the "Most Outrageous Type Enhancer".
If you can dump it as disk image with dump tool from floppy disk, thanks.
Done, uploaded to the archive.org page as an .img from WinImage.
Yes, I've checked it, thanks.
Added: https://winworldpc.com/product/aldus-type-twister/10