Whistler ISO probably containing Windows XP in it.


  • edited November 2017
    How do you know ? Please give a reason why you think so.
  • I just downloaded and installed this myself and, it is very much like XP but I suppose it's intended to be that, as it was almost the real thing during its development. Nothing wrong with that, is there?

  • He thought that it was XP due to the fact that it is very similar to finished XP.
    The next one was a RC, meaning that is is/was finished except for one fatal, huge flaw.

  • So it's a Whistler/XP beta build? I believe Whistler betas are suitable for WinWorld.

  • It is, but the OP is merely complaining that it looks too much like XP, and thinks in his mind that it shouldn't be there because of it.

  • WinWorld was never instructed to remove any Whistler or Longhorn builds. Presumably there are at least some minor differences making it a pre-release.

    BTW, cleaned up some garbage in this thread. Since nobody is adding any useful information, this thread is done.

This discussion has been closed.