Windows Neptune Build 5111



  • Windows neptune isnt supposed to have a product key, if it does then its a modified copy
  • I don't often refer to BA - because they are a bunch of weird fecks, and the main admin is two-faced scum - however:

    "The copy available on the BetaArchive FTP server is bootable, but requires a key and has a timebomb. It appears to be the original copy that was distributed to private testers. Another copy is available on the internet, but it's de-timebombed and doesn't require a key."

    "Most of the leaked ISO images have had their timebombs nulled and don't require a key. However, the copy available on the BetaArchive FTP server will accept the following key W7XTC - 2YWFB - K6BPT - GMHMV - B6FDY or any Windows 98 (SE) retail keys (not MSDN, OEM or upgrade). The copy available on the BetaArchive FTP server has a timebomb of 444 days."

    IOW, as said in Huckleberry Finn "You pays your money and you takes your chances.".
  • "because they are a bunch of weird fecks, and the main admin is two-faced scum"

    Oh, and why is that?
  • What does NTC mean on Neptune's 'About Windows' dialog box?

    NT Consumer
  • Fun Fact: you can use Neptune in the current time, but it will expire after 444 days of usage (like Longhorn 4074's timebomjb but only 180 days)(my experience)
  • edited March 6
    BTW to activate the activity center:
    have the installation disc in the disc drive (in the example D is the drive letter but use your disc drive letter)
    then press Win+R and type:
    regsvr32 d:\i386\accore.dll and hit enter then press OK at the prompt
    then navigate to C:\WINNT\Activity\Start\StartPage\ and then open Millenium Desktop.htm
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