
edited April 2005 in Software
What exactly is Warp O/S


  • Warp OS, or OS/2 Warp?

  • Good lord. If you mean OS\2, the history to me to type takes a long time!
  • I'm sry, could u repeat that agin for me IBM, i didn't quite catch that
  • is there, a site that i could read the history of it?
  • OK, I got some time on my hands at 12:35 until 3.

    Back when Microsoft and IBM made software together, there was only DOS and the GUI called Windows. They wanted to make a multitasking 16-bit Operating System. This OS would be called OS\2. It came out around 1987 as OS\2 1.0. It was text mode only, but a GUI version would later be released. Version 1.1 would fix that. Version 1.1 had sort of a Windows 2.X shell. Version 1.2 had a Windows 3.0-ish shell as well as 1.3. Around this time, MS was up to Windows 3.0. Now, around 1990, they split. MS took thier own core that they written from the ground up to make OS\2 v2.0; MS on the other hand took thier core and made Windows NT 3.1. OS\2 v2.0 would be a true 32-bit OS. It now featured the workspace shell. It looks alot like 3.0 in a way in the buttons, etc. Then v2.1X were released, kinda no difference. In 1993, OS\2 3.0 and 3.0 Connect were released. In 1996, Os\2 Warp 4.0 was relased making a big comeback, but was no match for Windows NT4. It was then OS\2 died.......NOT. In 2000, OS\2 released OS\2 Warp 4.5 Audora and in 2001 they released the best of all. IBM eComstation 1.0 following with 1.1. With this OS had built in Java, and limited Win32 support. Sort of a "OS\2 Warp 4.0 reloaded" Now, with Odin, Warp 4.0 has Win32 support sort of.
  • wow, and to think yur thep only reason i ever heard of it.

    If Windows controls 95% of the market, what percent do apple, linux (selling the cd, since the software is free), and ibm control?
  • LOL, I doubt its more than 95%.
  • he he he, u got any screen shots of OS/2 warp 4.0 and IBM eComstation 1.0?
  • not at the moment, OS\2 Warp 4 and eComstation look alot alike.
  • so do ME and 2000, and i think we both know which is better
  • yep.

    MacOS 7.5-8.6 look alot alike, but I think we know that both are equal....they both SUCK.
  • it will only be a matter of time before mac is gone (besides the iPOD, that seems to be popular)
  • Ppl still use CP/M, and ppl still use GEM, so any OS will never be truely 'gone', just out of buissiness.


    PS. Hey Warp, want to help us make a OS2/ECS GUI section?
  • which is what i meant, "out of business", it will be a dead os
    just like latin's a dead language (only catholic pedophiles speak latin (which will be the same for mac))
  • http://toastytech.com/guis

    The GUI Gallery, with WARP screenshots, and many more...

    There is a link for a QNX OS somewhere, with GUI, network and webbrowser, on a single 1.44 floppy disk!
    must have for winworld?
  • lol people will never stop using any OS like for example.....BEos...it seems that their website or the company has been bought but people still use there OS..
  • The QNX thing isn't ABW yet, I think.

  • Anonymous wrote:
    lol people will never stop using any OS like for example.....BEos...it seems that their website or the company has been bought but people still use there OS..

    that was me srry
  • Q wrote:
    Ppl still use CP/M

    I'm liking it ::D
  • Be was completely bought out by Palm, who have done jack sh*t with it since then ::(
  • lol, toasty tech is funny, bill gates is the devil! (lol, hardly)
  • Right on MrClean! :twisted:

    Bill Gates was a Witch!
    he was buned alive!
    Santans little bitch!
  • Funny Bill Gates Jokes:

    "So Bill Gates died when he was 180 - he bought a life sustaining machine for 8 billion dollars that took over the funtions of all his organs one by one... but it crashed one day. Damned Windows 2140!"

    "Bill Gates died one day and went to the pearly gates... he was let in and walked up to God in is almightly wisdom sitting in his mighty thrown looking down at the world. Bill said... sorry, you're sitting in my chair..."
  • Heres the Billgates theme song.

    Bill Gates was a witch, his was burned alive
    Thankless little bitch, for the tears they cried
    Take him down now, don
  • Sam I am Green Eggs and Ham?
  • Macs will take over PCs. PCs Crash so much more than macs. Macs are faster too. plus Macs can run PC Crap if you really want to. But still PC's SUCK my balls.
  • Macs will take over PCs. PCs Crash so much more than macs. Macs are faster too. plus Macs can run PC Crap if you really want to. But still PC's SUCK!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • wow, way to bring up a topic thats over a year old

    all that tiger-ass youve been eating must've messed up your sense of time

    /me will now lock this topic and ban that IP
  • Macs = good
    Mac zealots = bad
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