[OFFER] NT4 SP5 CD and Dell OEM NT4 Install Disk
Hello everyone!
I recently came across the items listed in the topic above. Here are some pictures of the disks.
I actually have two copies of this disk, but for some reason they have different SHA1 hashes, so when I do post the links, I will post the links to both ISOs.
I will add a link to the ISOs if there is interest.
The OEM disks like Dell and HP do seem to have some differences from the regular Microsoft disks. If you're simply SHA1-ing the ISO's, then it could easily be something small like modification date differences or something in the ISO's filesystem.
You could try a diff-ing program (WinMerge on Windows, diff on Linux) on the actual files form the CD to tell what's different.
I should have been clearer in my original post; I have two copies of the SP5 disk, not the Dell install disk. But what you’re saying does apply to the SP5 disk as well.
Wow. Yeah, I completely read that wrong. Sorry!
Links are below.
NT4 Install CD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12LGLsmitKc_lG0T9ba9HsWU0GYz1Up_E
SP5 CD (Copy 1): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FkNNmsU5AKoWHbuV-GDvDfSBI9ORqTGM
SP5 CD (Copy 2): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t9XhlBqtvIpGmXvlQyWGGB6BYctfyQ-z
SHA1 Hashes: https://drive.google.com/open?id=15277P-hGBy6vcGa3U9mc5ZUJBjfzCHpn