windowsnt on 486
Hi Guys My 486sx33 has windows95a i think it is crap i want to put windowsnt4 on it but all i have is a floppy drive in it i tried connecting a 8x cd-rom but i could not find a double ide for it isn there any way i can install it via floopy disk please help me from the guy who you think is a windows9x fan but this windows98se computer crashes after you have used it for awhile also i only have 16mb of ram
anywasy take it from me.... i have run NT 4 ona 33mhz with 20MB of ram... it was PURE SHIT!
my copy of NT wasn't great in the first place..... but it crashed with a BSOD every 5 minutes.....
trust me 95 is way better for that machine..... or if you want a bit of use for it, try installing NT 3.51 ... runs good on those specs.....
100MB and windows 95? your crazzy as hell what do you plan to actually run?
That explains it.
You cant install service pack 6 on a 200mb drive. I tried that once with an AMD 350 mhz system with dual 200mb drives
everything said it needed like SP4 or higher
I had no probs running Windows NT4 on a 486dx66 with 20 mb memory. Your c: partition should be a fat16 drive, and you can install NT4 and 9x on their own native partitions like
I used PC-DOS 7.0 to install Windows NT from the command prompt. It takes ages though.
Certainly not. ANYONE who legitimately tries to help but makes mistakes should be told, in a less harsh manner then that, about the huge date-gap in these forums. I know I made this comment in a thread somewhere, I suspect others have PMd.
And, as Fish has said, it's not like we ban people here anymore anyway...
Can you be a little more subtle?