Virtualising Chicago Builds
Ok, I am stupid. How hard can it be to virtualize Chicago with VPC 2007 and ISOs.
Two minutes later:
I know this should be easy but please help.
Argon PXE Boot Agent v2.00 (BIOS Integrated) (C) Copyright 2004 Argon Technology Corporation All rights reserved. CLIENT MAC ADRR: *no need to post* GUID: *no need to post* DHCP.....[spinny slash thing]
Two minutes later:
Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device
I know this should be easy but please help.
I dunno much about the builds and thier ISOs though, so I dunno what method of installing to use.
Try getting a Windows boot floppy image and capture that as A: and the ISO as
for create a working boot cd, when you`re burning the cd in nero, create the boot record from an boot diskette image (or Install Diskette image) (or just download an image of it)
in the case of windows, you must search the correct boot disk image for start the installation (not the normal bootdisk that Windows creates)
for more info go to this website (creating a booteable cd in nero 6):
"X:/SETUP.EXE" into dos (x meaning the letter of your cd drive). Hope that helps.
He has done the work to get you instaled with windows 98 already
other utils as well...