edited October 2011 in Hardware
Does anyone have any experience with SSDs as hard drives? My thought was to get a smallish one and install Windows and my few programs on it for speed.



  • Unfortunately, no. But it's on my list of things to upgrade in my desktop. Top of that list being my graphics card.
  • Following Tox's schedule (I recently got a Radeon 6850 for my desktop) I too plan to buy an SSD for my desktop soon.

    The real question is: How do you feel about Windows 7? Using it over Vista/XP will help extend the life of the drive from having TRIM support - This is the only real pitful to worry about, otherwise use it as a regular hard disk.
  • I'm on 7 now.

  • If you only have Windows + a few apps, pick up a 64GB, you can find them for around $110. Adding an SSD is one of the best ways to boost performance.

    I have an older 64GB Gskill SSD in the Dell, does the job nicely. 64GB is too small for my needs though. 120GB would work, 240GB if I wanted my Steam folder on it as well. I'd like to get one eventually, but $250 for 120GB is still too rich for my blood. The only alternative is a $150 "refurbished" SSD, which I don't like the idea of at all.
  • My current OS partition is 200 GB, so I know an SSD around the same size would be sufficient, but I'd need at least 120 GB.
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