[OFFER] Hemera Photo Objects 25.000
Hi, I have a good album photo objects by hemera with over 25.000 clipart inside. Released on 1999. It was used for books illustration in the past. Tell me if this worth uploading to library, even this one image collection rather than image processing application 
The packages consist 4cd, so the total is 2,2GB uncompressed.
Here is the preview (still works fine even on Windows 10

The packages consist 4cd, so the total is 2,2GB uncompressed.
Here is the preview (still works fine even on Windows 10

Off hand I don't see much reason to preserve a crufty late-90s photographic-quality clipart CD. But please do discuss. Perhaps there is some good reason of which I am unaware.
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As SomeGuy said anyone may discuss this - if there's enough legitimate interest we can consider it but seriously think about this - we could use this space elsewhere on software more people will want. Clip-art is not in any form rare or hard to find and there's significantly better quality in this day and age.
Well, for some reasons above, these pieces will not upload in WW.
But if anyone need, I can upload to somewhere