after downloading for about an hour, the download just stops

edited August 2017 in Site Issues
for any download i try that is too big for my wifi to download in about an hour or two, the download will just stop without completing. I usually use the tiana server as it is the closest to my location in the US, so thinking that was the problem i tried the server in germany. this server did the exact same thing. this is really sad because now i can't install windows 95/98 on DOSBox, meaning i cant even run any windows applications (unless it is Windows 1.x, 2.x, 3.x or works on wine) on my chromebook as i have a distro of linux.
this happens on any computer i have.
does anyone else have this problem?

to moderators: please contact if possible.


  • Have you tried pausing and restarting the download? Is the stopping an issue you see on other sites, or just here?

    I've not had a reason to check, but maybe WinWorldPC supports resuming a download. That might also be something to try. When it does that stopping thing, restart the browser and try to "resume" the download.
  • It just marks it as finished. I can’t resume it because of that. It only happens here.
  • Use a download manager.
    Not those garbage adware ones though. I feel you, firefox does this to me at times as well.
  • I am not using Firefox so I’d assume it happens regardless the browser.
    I’ll try a download manager though and say if it works.
  • I have personally noticed this happen twice on two small things (~300MB) this morning on my 100mbit TWC. I re-started the download and it completed without issue.

    Try the other mirror from what you tried. Otherwise, just try again after some time has elapsed or use a wired Ethernet connection instead of WiFi, as well as a different user-agent.

    WinWorld has advanced abuse protections in place and this could be posing an undefined issue under higher loads. I put the IP check tool in last week as a quick hack-job otherwise nobody has ever been willing to be a reliable debug target and I have never bothered to implement anything else I've wanted to to assist with figuring out these types of problems. We do have many big downloads that complete daily for many users and we probably do need more mirrors, but everyone's getting your downloads for free.
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