Mac OS 8 8.0

Apple Mac OS 8 was another major overhaul of the OS from the earlier Mac OS 7. It added a new Platinum visual theme, a multi threaded Finder, better virtual memory, and many customization options. 8.5 and later require a PPC CPU. It was followed up by Mac OS 9.
Have you tried installing it in Sheepshaver?
No I haven't, the whole point was to get it running on my Power Mac 6100... If I install it in sheepshaver is there some way I could get the disk image over?
Also, what ROM are you using with sheepshaver? I wonder if the Macintosh model makes a difference.
Here is my line:
qemu-system-m68k.exe ^
-L pc-bios ^
-M q800 ^
-bios Quadra800.ROM ^
-boot d ^
-drive file=pram-macos.img,format=raw,if=mtd ^
-device scsi-hd,scsi-id=0,drive=hd0,vendor="SEAGATE",product="ST225N",ver="1.0" ^
-drive file=MacOS8.0.img,media=disk,format=raw,if=none,id=hd0 ^
-device scsi-cd,scsi-id=3,drive=cd0,vendor="MATSHITA",product="CD-ROM CR-8005",ver="1.0k" ^
-drive file=MacOS80_UK.iso,media=cdrom,if=none,id=cd0
This command line works for me in Qemu-system-m68k-Win64-18-09-2022 on Windows 10:
qemu-system-m68k.exe ^
-M q800 ^
-m 128 ^
-display sdl ^
-bios Quadra800.rom ^
-drive file=pram-macos.img,format=raw,if=mtd ^
-device scsi-hd,scsi-id=0,drive=hd0 ^
-drive file=MacOS8.0.img,media=disk,format=raw,if=none,id=hd0 ^
-device scsi-cd,scsi-id=3,drive=cd0 ^
-drive file=MacOS80_UK.iso,media=cdrom,if=none,id=cd0
It sounds to me that its the wrong Quadra800.rom.
Google "cockatrice iii emulator", download and unzip the file, you'll find what you're looking for there.
Did you use this command to create the HD:
qemu-img.exe create -f raw -o size=2G MacOS8.0.img
qemu-img.exe create -f raw pram-macos.img 256b
I've just tested Apple Mac OS 8.0 (ISO) in Basilisk II and it works fine.
It also runs fine in SheepShaver.