Windows Keys for a, b and c (95) OEM (Full?) Version (Mainly OSR x) 16296-OEM-0095716-25912 06301-OEM-0194025-70580 26695-OEM-0956267-62103 33098-OEM-0070437-34218 09799-OEM-0556192-71567 Retail (Full?) Version (Mainly RTM) 841-7734167 222-2222222 111-1111111 988-2516383 275-7572347 The basic windows 95 7-divisible digit sum algorithm was used.
The notorious Devils0wn key, the one that came with the very first warez release of XP. A VLK key, which Microsoft blacklisted. I used it so often, I had it memorized.
F(g) Scholar : FG0021747120 Falcon v3.0 : 033624 Family treemaker v1.01 for Windows : FTW11R64747 Fantasy land v1.20 : bbs/XXX sysop/Me #/ABCD8178 Fantasy photo collection for DOS/Win : 37200 Far stone cache driver v2.X : 1-10501131 Fast fonts v3.3 for Windows : 05-U08355 Fast mail v1.20 beta a for Windows : 1502909616 Fauve matisse v1.24 for Windows : 1733920 Fax for Windows v3.0 : 100401007520 Fax-a-laugh v1.0 : GB001000 Faxmaster v1.01 : 4304L-D00-999999L Faxserver v2.0 for Netware : EV 1213767 Fido QWK v1.25 : name/Me #/68571B8A Fighter wing from Merrit studios : 1PKY6T89X2A File force 1.0 : X-442540368699 File magic professional v2.0 : 16-0012025 Filecompress PRO v1.0 for Windows : 081494-001L-00P4093 Filemaker PRO NL v2.x for Windows : 7000843902 Filemark v2.00 beta : name/Me #/214180166571461814535 Final v3.0 for Windows : WFNA 106311 First aid 95 : 106f-5da4 First aid v1.0 for Windows : 1002-0E7B First aid v1.2c for Windows : #/1000-A1B1 pcode: AF10112C First Aid Deluxe95 V3.0 : 1134-4385 First Aid 95 (for win 3.X and win 95) : 115b-18d3 Fixed asset system v9.41 : 3060461 Flash v1.0 : User Name: Computerror : Company Name : (Anything you Like) : Expiry Date : (Leave Blank) : Registration Key : 03N49031K2U3W8THZA78 FlexED32 V1.7d : Dj Paul [uCF], 180371108824 Flintstone cuckoo clock for Windows : 90500100-00123 FMStepup Serial Number : 2526773784 FMToolbar Serial Number : 3821736152 Folio viewer v3.0 for Windows : 30WVU1234567 Forte Agent .99e 32 Bit : WD6VZ3HP-WGS8Z494-DLKVF5AY-GN1RZ6T2-2LTWGRWS-ZMT92YH3 Foxbase 1.1 : #/FMD027877 pw/EMZXPYEI Fractal design painter v2.0 for Win : 0700585AQK Fractal design painter v3.0 for Win : PW300RAZ0002607-EANY-001 Fractal Imager : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: ffffff Framebuilder for Windows : 04-0-01-01-4-0056A-916E2D FrameGang 1 : User Name: Daniel Barfie Company Name : (Anything you Like) Expiry Date : (Leave Blank) Registration Key: 7PJ5ZHP3ZA69YVZNZXN Framemaker v2.1 : 2-01320-27 Framemaker v4.02 for Windows : 00-0-01-01-4-00C2F-3C9DB0 Framework 4 : 00-0-01-01-4-0059E-2E00D2 Frame-it 1.15 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: 12540 Freehand v4.0 for Windows : 03-921-34311 Freehand 5a : 10350-0874-0288-69455 10350-0276-0089-83911 10350-0313-0097-58368 Freehand 7 : FHW700-70812-27097-26570 Frontdoor v2.11 : FD001123456 FrontDoor v2.20a Multi Line : name/Me s-input/34566 #/FFFF:8706 FTP-Server daemon for Winsock v1.1 Win: .Va7/onRUR./Kermu FTP Serv-U 2.0 : Registrationkey/r8fZajeU3JY, ED!SON '96 Fusion DBL CD : 557-0251-01
Mac 2 PC PRO plus for Windows : 123456-1234 Macpassword 3.8.0 (may NOT be Workin'): NOV30195MAY261951 Macro model for Windows : 0428-4079-2071 Macromedia director v4.0 for Windows : DRW400-1895-9074-2077 Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 : 65241-0499-0166-21702 Magic v1.33 : 15002688 Magic Notes 1.6 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: 208641551 MagnaRam for 95 : 011-18B-99630 MagnaRam 95 v2.02 : 011-18B-99720 MagnaRam 3.0, MagnaRam 97 : MRWU3000079159 Mannequin v1.1 : 10012345 Mapple V v3 for DOS and Windows : DOS-5203-676023-1 Marvel screen posters for Windows : MVW-92958-1201 Masquerade 1.0b : Name: tHATDUDE Code: Twiddle Master Juggler : MVW-92958-1201 Mathcad v5.0 for Windows : P501069D00368 Mathcad Professional V6.0 for Windows: P6000795D04043 Mathematica v2.1 for Windows : 2549-51771-93417-6270 Mathematica v2.21 for Windows : 5870-34471-82354-3005 Matlab v4.0 for Windows : 335339 Mattise v1.5.2 : 1733767 Mayor BBS v6.25 : NWGEEGD9J Mcafee : user: licensed, pass: 321 Mechwars v1.9g : sysop/Me bbs/XXX #/XA0N4TA4BUQB Media studio beta for Windows : ABETA-40490-29051 Media studio v1.0 for Windows : NNAEA-40721-02586 Mentor plus flite star 10/93 : 9243210 Microangelo 2.0 : name/CracK Da WareZ #/S970309 MicroAngelo 2.1 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: S3111576 Micro-scope v5.06 : MS-1231393 Microfocus/370 assembler v3.1.16 : URNB0UPP/000000000 Micrographic picture pub v5.0 for Win : NTA-NTA-01A Microscope v5.06 : MS-1231393 Microsoft Autoroute Express v4.0 : 32098-025-0191712 Microsoft Great greetings v1.0 for Win: 32521-082-0109954 MS Internet Cache Explorer 1.21 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: TYUMVKSX Microsoft Money v2.01 beta for Windows: 00-105-0200-99999979 Microsoft Money v4.0 (german) : 045-0112631 Microsoft Office PRO '95 : 26716-103-0145657 Microsoft Office PRO v4.3c for Windows: 28779-051-0101444 Microsoft Planner for Windows : 076-051-090 Microsoft Plus : 411-0657656 Microsoft works v3.0 NL : 16429-020-0000284 Microsoft Works 4.0 For Windows 95 : 33977053011175600000 Microstation : 00088193000085 Microstation CAD v5.08 for DOS and Win: 6362-CURRY-FRIKA Microstation powerdraft CAD v5.5.0.5 : 00088193000085 Microstation v5.00.95 (5.1) : SGBXI48AB-0500A Minitab v9.2 for Windows : W92006400 Mirage raytracing engine for 3D studio: 942559 mIRC 4.52 : Name: XL Reg#: 3492-364264 mIRC 4.6 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: 9531-933760 Modem docter v5.2 : M4B00635 Modem Status : name/aka Modemsta #/1239123 Monarch for Windows : 1003818 Moneymap financial director for Win : password/CASH Morphing magic : 0-672-30320-5 2 Mortice kern sys. 3.1 DOS/Win (6users): 3041129678 Mover95 2.0 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: 97299250 Multiedit v7.00e : ME700E111111 Multimedia solutions : 205521 Music magic songbook v1.0 for Windows : 932667-2198 Music time for Windows : MV20-0-02045-8738 My advanced label designer : 2223-87357 My advanced maillist and addressbook : 2123-42935 My invoices : 2643-20966 My-T-mouse v1.30 for Windows : FT 1305766 Mystery at the museums : 0340151
"This is the HTML version of Surfers Serials. Feel free to put it on the net. (recommended ONLY if you are on a safe place) There might be some bugs in the html char conversion, in doubt compare to the reader version."
Quickbooks Quick Books: QuickBooks 3.0 (mac) : 100-284-7950 QuickBooks Pro 3.1 (mac) : 1000 816 361 Quickbooks Pro 3.0 for Windows : 1000 164 598
Quickbooks pro 0261 556 419 or 1234 567 879 Quickbooks 2 296-00-111 Quickbooks 3.0 1000 164 598 or 1002 571 428
QuickBooks PRO 5.0 with QuickBooks PRO Timer: s/n:772-888-99957 or s/n:107-000-27636
QuickBooks Pro 6.0D MultiUser : CD-key:9944-376-587-8342 Choose telephone registration and enter s/n:4379-9885-6343
Quickbooks Pro 99 : s/n:1030-066-593-8206 After you are done with the install, start the program and open the sample company. Drop down the file menu and click on REGISTER then select "register by phone" and enter: 0280-1895-6006
OEM (Full?) Version (Mainly OSR x)
Retail (Full?) Version (Mainly RTM)
The basic windows 95 7-divisible digit sum algorithm was used.
At the License Agreement splash screen, press the ALT & R keys to bring up the Registration screen.
Name: WinWorld
WinZip key: 61290B84
WinZip Self-Extractor key: 61290B84
These seem to work for earliest versions thru 8.x.
!! A Few keys might not be valid !! This doesn't apply to 98 SE Retail Full Key up there ^^
Windows 95 RTM/NT 4.0 Keys
Name: mARQUIS Code: 20358193
Took some fiddling to find a working number from all the 2.x ones that are out there.
A VLK key, which Microsoft blacklisted. I used it so often, I had it memorized.
F(g) Scholar : FG0021747120
Falcon v3.0 : 033624
Family treemaker v1.01 for Windows : FTW11R64747
Fantasy land v1.20 : bbs/XXX sysop/Me #/ABCD8178
Fantasy photo collection for DOS/Win : 37200
Far stone cache driver v2.X : 1-10501131
Fast fonts v3.3 for Windows : 05-U08355
Fast mail v1.20 beta a for Windows : 1502909616
Fauve matisse v1.24 for Windows : 1733920
Fax for Windows v3.0 : 100401007520
Fax-a-laugh v1.0 : GB001000
Faxmaster v1.01 : 4304L-D00-999999L
Faxserver v2.0 for Netware : EV 1213767
Fido QWK v1.25 : name/Me #/68571B8A
Fighter wing from Merrit studios : 1PKY6T89X2A
File force 1.0 : X-442540368699
File magic professional v2.0 : 16-0012025
Filecompress PRO v1.0 for Windows : 081494-001L-00P4093
Filemaker PRO NL v2.x for Windows : 7000843902
Filemark v2.00 beta : name/Me #/214180166571461814535
Final v3.0 for Windows : WFNA 106311
First aid 95 : 106f-5da4
First aid v1.0 for Windows : 1002-0E7B
First aid v1.2c for Windows : #/1000-A1B1 pcode: AF10112C
First Aid Deluxe95 V3.0 : 1134-4385
First Aid 95 (for win 3.X and win 95) : 115b-18d3
Fixed asset system v9.41 : 3060461
Flash v1.0 : User Name: Computerror : Company Name : (Anything you Like) : Expiry Date : (Leave Blank) : Registration Key : 03N49031K2U3W8THZA78
FlexED32 V1.7d : Dj Paul [uCF], 180371108824
Flintstone cuckoo clock for Windows : 90500100-00123
FMStepup Serial Number : 2526773784
FMToolbar Serial Number : 3821736152
Folio viewer v3.0 for Windows : 30WVU1234567
Forte Agent .99e 32 Bit : WD6VZ3HP-WGS8Z494-DLKVF5AY-GN1RZ6T2-2LTWGRWS-ZMT92YH3
Foxbase 1.1 : #/FMD027877 pw/EMZXPYEI
Fractal design painter v2.0 for Win : 0700585AQK
Fractal design painter v3.0 for Win : PW300RAZ0002607-EANY-001
Fractal Imager : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: ffffff
Framebuilder for Windows : 04-0-01-01-4-0056A-916E2D
FrameGang 1 : User Name: Daniel Barfie Company Name : (Anything you Like) Expiry Date : (Leave Blank) Registration Key: 7PJ5ZHP3ZA69YVZNZXN
Framemaker v2.1 : 2-01320-27
Framemaker v4.02 for Windows : 00-0-01-01-4-00C2F-3C9DB0
Framework 4 : 00-0-01-01-4-0059E-2E00D2
Frame-it 1.15 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: 12540
Freehand v4.0 for Windows : 03-921-34311
Freehand 5a : 10350-0874-0288-69455 10350-0276-0089-83911 10350-0313-0097-58368
Freehand 7 : FHW700-70812-27097-26570
Frontdoor v2.11 : FD001123456
FrontDoor v2.20a Multi Line : name/Me s-input/34566 #/FFFF:8706
FTP-Server daemon for Winsock v1.1 Win: .Va7/onRUR./Kermu
FTP Serv-U 2.0 : Registrationkey/r8fZajeU3JY, ED!SON '96
Fusion DBL CD : 557-0251-01
Mac 2 PC PRO plus for Windows : 123456-1234
Macpassword 3.8.0 (may NOT be Workin'): NOV30195MAY261951
Macro model for Windows : 0428-4079-2071
Macromedia director v4.0 for Windows : DRW400-1895-9074-2077
Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 : 65241-0499-0166-21702
Magic v1.33 : 15002688
Magic Notes 1.6 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: 208641551
MagnaRam for 95 : 011-18B-99630
MagnaRam 95 v2.02 : 011-18B-99720
MagnaRam 3.0, MagnaRam 97 : MRWU3000079159
Mannequin v1.1 : 10012345
Mapple V v3 for DOS and Windows : DOS-5203-676023-1
Marvel screen posters for Windows : MVW-92958-1201
Masquerade 1.0b : Name: tHATDUDE Code: Twiddle
Master Juggler : MVW-92958-1201
Mathcad v5.0 for Windows : P501069D00368
Mathcad Professional V6.0 for Windows: P6000795D04043
Mathematica v2.1 for Windows : 2549-51771-93417-6270
Mathematica v2.21 for Windows : 5870-34471-82354-3005
Matlab v4.0 for Windows : 335339
Mattise v1.5.2 : 1733767
Mayor BBS v6.25 : NWGEEGD9J
Mcafee : user: licensed, pass: 321
Mechwars v1.9g : sysop/Me bbs/XXX #/XA0N4TA4BUQB
Media studio beta for Windows : ABETA-40490-29051
Media studio v1.0 for Windows : NNAEA-40721-02586
Mentor plus flite star 10/93 : 9243210
Microangelo 2.0 : name/CracK Da WareZ #/S970309
MicroAngelo 2.1 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: S3111576
Micro-scope v5.06 : MS-1231393
Microfocus/370 assembler v3.1.16 : URNB0UPP/000000000
Micrographic picture pub v5.0 for Win : NTA-NTA-01A
Microscope v5.06 : MS-1231393
Microsoft Autoroute Express v4.0 : 32098-025-0191712
Microsoft Great greetings v1.0 for Win: 32521-082-0109954
MS Internet Cache Explorer 1.21 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: TYUMVKSX
Microsoft Money v2.01 beta for Windows: 00-105-0200-99999979
Microsoft Money v4.0 (german) : 045-0112631 Microsoft Office PRO '95 : 26716-103-0145657
Microsoft Office PRO v4.3c for Windows: 28779-051-0101444
Microsoft Planner for Windows : 076-051-090
Microsoft Plus : 411-0657656
Microsoft works v3.0 NL : 16429-020-0000284
Microsoft Works 4.0 For Windows 95 : 33977053011175600000
Microstation : 00088193000085
Microstation CAD v5.08 for DOS and Win: 6362-CURRY-FRIKA
Microstation powerdraft CAD v5.5.0.5 : 00088193000085
Microstation v5.00.95 (5.1) : SGBXI48AB-0500A
Minitab v9.2 for Windows : W92006400
Mirage raytracing engine for 3D studio: 942559
mIRC 4.52 : Name: XL Reg#: 3492-364264
mIRC 4.6 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: 9531-933760
Modem docter v5.2 : M4B00635
Modem Status : name/aka Modemsta #/1239123
Monarch for Windows : 1003818
Moneymap financial director for Win : password/CASH
Morphing magic : 0-672-30320-5 2
Mortice kern sys. 3.1 DOS/Win (6users): 3041129678
Mover95 2.0 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg#: 97299250
Multiedit v7.00e : ME700E111111
Multimedia solutions : 205521
Music magic songbook v1.0 for Windows : 932667-2198
Music time for Windows : MV20-0-02045-8738
My advanced label designer : 2223-87357
My advanced maillist and addressbook : 2123-42935
My invoices : 2643-20966
My-T-mouse v1.30 for Windows : FT 1305766
Mystery at the museums : 0340151
"This is the HTML version of Surfers Serials. Feel free to put it on the net.
(recommended ONLY if you are on a safe place)
There might be some bugs in the html char conversion, in doubt compare to the reader version."
QuickBooks 3.0 (mac) : 100-284-7950
QuickBooks Pro 3.1 (mac) : 1000 816 361
Quickbooks Pro 3.0 for Windows : 1000 164 598
Quickbooks pro 0261 556 419 or 1234 567 879
Quickbooks 2 296-00-111
Quickbooks 3.0 1000 164 598 or 1002 571 428
QuickBooks PRO 5.0 with QuickBooks PRO Timer: s/n:772-888-99957 or s/n:107-000-27636
QuickBooks Pro 6.0D MultiUser : CD-key:9944-376-587-8342 Choose telephone registration and enter s/n:4379-9885-6343
Quickbooks Pro 99 : s/n:1030-066-593-8206 After you are done with the install, start the program and open the sample company.
Drop down the file menu and click on REGISTER then select "register by phone" and enter: 0280-1895-6006
Windows 2000 SBS Serials:
Sadly, I don't have any Outlook serials.