I suppose... but the most evil I have seen is making crap software and loading it with spyware making it even crapier. I wonder what AOL's spyware protection doesn't detect... OH YEAH, everything they install. At least with aim the spyware can be removed after installing aim, but aol won't function unless it's all kept, it will re install them if you get rid of them.
I don't like trillian. Something about having to let it store your passwords... and how it contacts cerellian's computers before connection to any other servers. And well... I don't use MSN or Yahoo or ICQ, so aim is all I would use.
I don't like trillian. Something about having to let it store your passwords... and how it contacts cerellian's computers before connection to any other servers.
AIM stores your password too if you dont tell it not to. Also, it DOESNt contact them if you set it up right, your obviously not reading the instructions on how to use it properly.
What he means is that the Tril passwd "encrytion" is TERRIBLE, and it does send anonymous usage stats and has that annoying "phone home" antipiracy thing.
yes! What Q said is the main reasons I don't trust trillian, and I just don't like the way it looks... and no skin would fix that. And I hate the IRC... I want something in a Xircon or mIRC like environment, not IRC through an IM window.
Does AIM 1 still work? I don't know what it would be like, using such an old version of the client soft.
I proved to you all that AIM 1 still does work. No, they never changed the server address. A few months ago I posted this Screenshot...
valid proof...
and I dont use AIM 5.9. It sucks, actually all versions suck thats 5.x. It took me forever to upgrade from 4.8. I loved 4.8 and now I use 5.5 but ONLY with DeadAIM 4.5. DeadAIM OWNZ. I wouldn't use AIM without it.
i use 1.0 on the compaq armada, it runs fine , it does bring up a screen saying you SHOULD but dont have to upgrade and illl be dammed if i do cvause i only talk to topher on there lol
If you've used AIM 5.5 AIM now has the right to delete the account you signed on with anytime it wants to
AIM 5.9 wants you to pay for buddy icons
huh? they can delete your account because you have that version?
aol can do anything. they are an evil company.
I have it on my notebook, just because I was to lazy to find an old version of AIM.
AIM stores your password too if you dont tell it not to. Also, it DOESNt contact them if you set it up right, your obviously not reading the instructions on how to use it properly.
And I find their IRC client pretty bad too.
i like trillian and i disabled the phone home thingy. Nobody uses this workstation but me so my passwords are safe.
I proved to you all that AIM 1 still does work. No, they never changed the server address. A few months ago I posted this Screenshot...
valid proof...
and I dont use AIM 5.9. It sucks, actually all versions suck thats 5.x. It took me forever to upgrade from 4.8. I loved 4.8 and now I use 5.5 but ONLY with DeadAIM 4.5. DeadAIM OWNZ. I wouldn't use AIM without it.
PS. HaH! Someone has a wirelesss DLink router!