Microsoft Office 4.3

edited June 2018 in Product Comments

imageMicrosoft Office 4.3

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  • Is there a spanish version?

  • is there a greek version?

  • @elargvas said:
    is there a greek version?

    Greek version doesn't exist

  • No mirrors for German version
  • Thanks for pointing that out. Try it again now.
  • Spanish Version?
  • Is this the first version for Windows 3.1?
  • Is this the first version for Windows 3.1?

    No, the first was Office 3.0.
  • Microsoft Office 4.3a Professional (OEM) (ISO) does not work missing dll at the end of installation
  • It works perfectly for me.
  • Microsoft Office 4.3 Professional (3.5 DMF) <-- It seems to be dumped from original media.
    Microsoft Office 4.3 Professional (5.25) <-- It seems to not be dumped from original media.
  • Fun fact: The Microsoft Office 4.3 has its compatible demos, as well as the Microsoft Money demo bundled in this as well.
  • edited January 12
    The Italian release 4.3c has the compressed disks in IMA format. How can I extract them from Linux or with dosbox?

    EDIT: Solved with WinImage.
  • Right, some programs and emulators don't like the DMF (1.7mb) format. WinImage recognizes that format and can extract files.
  • At the end of the installation, this message appears saying that the SYSTEM.MDA file cannot be created

    image host
  • @02k-guy Thanks, I solved with the "" file.
  • For future generations having the same problem:
    September 2021
    Can anyone get this title to work? I keep getting a "Couldn't find file 'C:\ACCESS\SYSTEM.MDA'." error.

    September 2021
    You probably didn't reboot after installing, like you were supposed to.
    That error means that share.exe or vshare.386 is not loaded. Access 2.0 installs vshare.386, but not before it tries to set up the workgroup database.
    If rebooting does not let you create the MDA file, then exit to dos and manually run share.exe, then launch windows 3.1.
    If neither share.exe nor vshare.386 work, then you probably have something screwy with your file system, such as not running from a normal FAT16 drive.
    Note that Windows 95 or later or NT do not need share.exe or vshare.386.
    Office Setup Err Msg: "Setup Cannot Create SYSTEM.MDA File"
    The information in this article applies to:
    Microsoft Office Professional Edition for Windows
    Microsoft Access 2.0

    When you run the Microsoft Office Professional Setup, after the last disk is loaded, your system has been updated, and Program Manager icons have been created, you may receive the following error message:

    Setup couldn't create a SYSTEM.MDA file. After Setup is completed,
    reboot your computer, then run the Workgroup Administrator before you
    run this application. (-1809)

    This error message appears when a file-sharing utility has not been loaded prior to running Setup.

    Setup uses a program called the Workgroup Administrator (WRKGADM.EXE) to create the SYSTEM.MDA file. The Workgroup Administrator requires a file- sharing utility such as SHARE.EXE or VSHARE.386 (the virtual device driver file-sharing utility used in Windows 386 enhanced mode) to work correctly.

    To solve this problem, do the following:

    After Setup is complete, quit Microsoft Windows.
    Follow the appropriate procedure for your version of Windows:

    If you are running Windows version 3.1 in standard mode, make sure that SHARE.EXE is loaded in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file, or load it at the MS-DOS command prompt.


    If you are running Windows version 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups version 3.1 or later in 386 enhanced mode, make sure that VSHARE.386 is loaded in the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file.
    Start Microsoft Windows. Start the Workgroup Administrator by double- clicking the MS Access Workgroup Administrator icon, and choose the Create button.
    In the Workgroup Owner Information dialog box, choose OK. In the Workgroup System Database dialog box, choose OK.

    You will be given the option to create a new SYSTEM.MDA file. When you choose Yes in this dialog box, a new SYSTEM.MDA file is created for you.

    NOTE: Name, Organization, and WorkgroupId must be entered before a new SYSTEM.MDA file can be created.

    Start Microsoft Access.
    Microsoft Access must have a valid SYSTEM.MDA file to work correctly. If you try to start Microsoft Access before you create the SYSTEM.MDA file, you will receive either of the following error messages:

    Couldn't find file 'C:\ACCESS\system.mda'.


    Cannot open \system.mda.

    Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the programs listed above. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

    For more information about VSHARE.386 or SHARE.EXE, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    6.0 SHARE 5100

    For more information about the MS Access Workgroup Administrator, contact the Microsoft Access Product Support Group or query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    Workgroup Administrator

    "Microsoft Office Getting Started," version 4.3, page 15

    Additional query words: installing admin can't could
  • Additional:
    Microsoft Office 4.2 and 4.3 Getting Started
    (the book)

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