Microsoft Access 2.0

Microsoft Access is a powerful and friendly desktop database. You can design complex tables, forms, and reports through selection and drag-and drop. You can make a fully usable interactive database application without a line of code, but for more advanced functionality it supports built-in Visual Basic for Applications. It is also bundled with some versions of Microsoft Office
That error means that share.exe or vshare.386 is not loaded. Access 2.0 installs vshare.386, but not before it tries to set up the workgroup database.
If rebooting does not let you create the MDA file, then exit to dos and manually run share.exe, then launch windows 3.1.
If neither share.exe nor vshare.386 work, then you probably have something screwy with your file system, such as not running from a normal FAT16 drive.
Note that Windows 95 or later or NT do not need share.exe or vshare.386.
The only problem with it - images are restored from folder dumps and all file dates were screwed.
Anyway if you want to take a look at it, here it is: