Many of you think the only way to go is Apache. Apache is a great native american tribe, but its not too good of a webserver. With abyss its easy, not confusing. You dont have to make "web directories", just new folders. You chave the option to make custom error pages and all kinds of fun stuff. Plus password protection built in (as in, u MUST type in a password to get in). Im not trying to change anybody's mind or "switch them over", im just letting you know its out there and is a good thing.
[Got any questions about Abyss, Fish and I use this webserver and can answer most questions]
[Got any questions about Abyss, Fish and I use this webserver and can answer most questions]
i still say Abyss is the best, but w/e works for u
I've never really used Abyss before, do you have any good websites that tell you how to use it?
Noone needs to TELL you how to use it, all the configuration is done through a web interface (ALL of it). And if that confuses you, just hit the '?' next to whatevers confusing you.
Unlike Apache's damn text files...
You mean Apache's *one* text file?
How is httpd.conf confusing in the least? It's got 5x more comments explaining the options than there are options ...
fish, if u are scared of apaches text files get the apacheconf gui for apache at www.apache-gui.com
True, it CAN be very dangerous, but there are ways to secure it.
PS. What port is, anyway, 9999?
Guess who'll get the last laugh?
Here's a useful website you can look at. It has tutorials on how to setup and configure PHP, phpMyAdmin, MySQL, and also phpBB.
Also you could always check the Forum at Aprelium.com
NICE site!