NeXTStep 3.x

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WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to providing free and open access to one of the largest archives of abandonware software and information on the web.
On Linux you can mount the CD iso files.
Works on macOS too.
Is the command diffrent for macOS?
Just use the Previous emulator included in the downloads. Instructions for use are included within.
To boot you need Nextstep floppyimages (Google finds those). You need boot floppy and driver floppies. And while you're on it, go find Developer and NeXTApps ISO images.
Chipset PIIX3, PS/2 mouse, SoundBlaster 16, BusLogic SCSI drivers work (it does not support IDE disks). You need to give installer correct SCSI driver which is on some of the driver floppies.
However, it errors out, complaining that it can't load
, like shown in the screenshot below:After a little bit of digging around in the installation ISO in a NeXTSTEP 3.3 virtual machine, it turns out that the binaries were compiled for NeXT hardware only, and were not compiled as fat binaries, like seen below: