Mysterious Visual Studio 2002 box.

edited June 2020 in Software

Sooo... I was browsing through old disks and found a box of Visual Studio .net 2002 Enterprise Developer. Inside there was a Windows 2000 server disk, a weird Windows 2000 sp2 disk, a Microsoft SQL server 2000 Dev. edition, a Host Integration Server 2000 develop and test version, Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 dev. and test version, Microsoft Exchange 2000 dev. and test ver., and Microsoft Exchange 2000 sp2 disk. I wanted to ask for more info about the box and if it's allowed for upload.


  • They have Windows 2000 small business server. I would think that your stuff would be allowed since it's contemporary with what they have up?
  • edited July 2020
    *Update: I just found Visual SourceSafe 6.0c, Microsoft SQL SP1, and the actual Visual Studio 2002 Ent. Dev. disks. I found disks 1, 2 and 3 and a disk that says Upgrade or something like that. I think I'm missing disk 4 or something like that? I would also like to contribute the new findings.
    BTW: How do you upload or contribute files?
  • I just uploaded the files (except the visual studio ones) to google drive:
  • edited July 2020
    Awesome! Thanks for uploading it and passing it on!
  • No problem. :smile:
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