[Request] The Complete After Dark
So, I'm looking for something called "The Complete After Dark". The only reference I've found is this youtube video, this listia page and page 120 of CD-ROM Today Issue 11 (January 1995).
I've taken screenshots from parts of the video that might be useful. I tried contacting the person who uploaded the video but, I never got a response. Might anyone know anything about this disc or even have a copy?
I've got a Mac OS 8.6 SheepShaver VM that has a ton of the After Dark stuff installed on it. I thought I had everything but then I found out about "The Complete After Dark".

Just as a heads up, what I'm looking for differs from these Windows After Dark module collections:
I've taken screenshots from parts of the video that might be useful. I tried contacting the person who uploaded the video but, I never got a response. Might anyone know anything about this disc or even have a copy?
I've got a Mac OS 8.6 SheepShaver VM that has a ton of the After Dark stuff installed on it. I thought I had everything but then I found out about "The Complete After Dark".

Just as a heads up, what I'm looking for differs from these Windows After Dark module collections: