I'm not quite sure where to put this...
I'm am going to get a 120 GB HD soon and I want to do a clean install of Windows XP. I want to create a partition for the install and apps, swap, and data. Does this sound like a good plan?
Also...If I am going to do that, what size should I make each partition?
On my old HD I am going to install other OS's like Linux.
I'm am going to get a 120 GB HD soon and I want to do a clean install of Windows XP. I want to create a partition for the install and apps, swap, and data. Does this sound like a good plan?
Also...If I am going to do that, what size should I make each partition?
On my old HD I am going to install other OS's like Linux.
You'll need 10gb for Windows XP, 20gb to install apps and games, 5gb for swap, and 85 for your files.
(each in GB)
10 Server
20 Install space
10 Swap/Install Space
20 Emulation (I do alot of VPC and Basilisk)
Anyways, I think you should do:
12 GB for Windows
70 GB for Applications
8 GB Swap
30 GB Data
Just go 20GB for Windows then make a partition with the remaining space for programs and files. That way if you reinstall Windows, all you need to do is restore your registry plus when you reformat, just format C: and
I don't know. I guess I was sort of basing it off of Linux and how it has a seperate partition for swap.
the second partition so it can be a smaller one.
XP detected my partitions and installed some
files on the second partition on it's own.
It's a good idea to have a couple of extra
partitions for later use.
NTFS is better than fat32 for file storage but
it still runs on the same multiples
2,4,8,16,32 etc.
Try not to use any partition over 64 gigs.
Good luck.
Why not anything over 64 gigs?
Okay. Thanks.
And in NTFS, you can always use 512b cluster, even if you have 200Gig partition!