OFFER!!!... LightWave 3D 6.5 Win32 (2000) - The Capable 'Missing Link' Version>>>



  • Forging on in the name of vintage again...

    2 More old plugs but good ones...

    First is RealiTools 2 which is an addon to the previous RealiTools 1 which brings new shaders & other bits-bobs I haven't tested yet-

    I like the iridescent shader great for sick cow skin-

    OK next is EON Ozone version ONE!!... Yup try finding that one anywhere... Working great in LW65 provides skys, clouds, haze, fog & various kinds of ambient lighting all as an image process post effect-

    One can even do 'chemtrail criss-cross pattern clouds' but since they are chemicals & not clouds I guess 'non'cloud clouds...

    Fitting to have an iridescent cow under an energy laden chemtrail salvo perhaps with text saying how our planet is 'Turning into Udder Shit!'...I shoulda been a AD MAN...

    Pass is WinWorld



    At this point you are well beyond 'Shader King' & rather into 'Shader God' territory & there's more to go...

    LW 6-6.5 was the competition to the much-admired 3DS Max 3.1 so many like...Personally I would choose LW65 ANY DAY! Much more potential, much better rendering & I could go on....
  • Some vids on the wayback covering modeling a head in what I think is Lightwave 7...

    Appears to be only FOUR tools used mostly-

    -Smooth Shift
    -Spin Quads

    Simple methods to create actually a pretty nice head model... You rather probably have the light 'turned on' to the garbage nowadays where people THINK they need so many friggin' model tools to get something done they take weeks finishing something that can be done in days...

    You can lead a horse to water but by that time you wanna beat their head in with a splitting maul & move on....

    The method this guy uses is pretty much what Taron used in his 'Secrets of Organic Modeling' video series... I like this guy's use of 2 side-by-side viewports...

    By the way all these tools in LW 6.5 & 6.0 as well so all applicable

  • A ways to go yet...

    Have THREE Color Pickers for LW65 which will bring the amount to a choice of FIVE Color Pickers for Lightwave 6.5...

    You already have the standard drab 'system' color picker...

    The Lightwave color picker is already there also & a much better option with 5 tabs covering wavelength, kelvin, etc-

    So first of three is the ASA color picker-

    Making sure these work in both Layout & Modeler...

    Next is PICKY-

    Nice pickers...

    Last is a failed commercial venture even though a much newer picker still works as plugin in LW65... Comes with extra libraries, etc... You can also use this to replace your system color picker for any app I like for Nendo as the color bar in Nendo not very useful-

    I included a greyscale library I made up for displacement painting in C4D...

    As plug in LW65-

    Pass is WinWorld

  • Farting about found a dumpster scene that was pre-baked radiosity textures so it quickly rendered animation-

    Some degradation in having to use GIF format-

  • Have more plugs ready but sidetracked with trying to get 3D painters working with LW65...

    After much cussing & spitting found that LW does not 'export out' a UV with a model at least not in the simple way you would expect...

    Probably because 'inside' LW you can have as many UV maps as you want for any object...

    However only ONE is allowed to be used by others...

    In order to get this accomplished you must make a BS model, Assign blank textures & UV map in Modeler then save, send to Layout, go into the surface editor & add a shader called LW_Baker which is the Surface Baker...Inside that shader you assign the UV map to the Baker...When done then Render one frame using F10 NOT F9 then you will say 'SHIT!...Nothing happened!' But actually it did NOW the exported LWO has a baked in UV-

    OK now Deep Paint 3D will save projection painting to the map when before everything just disappear when moving camera...

    Passing back to Modeler but map saving yet seems an issue...

    Saving then passing onto Layout renders seem placement is proper...

    Anyways when I get the whole ordeal figured out I'll upload...
  • Have 5 Plugs here...

    -David Ikedas DI Power Tools... A single plug with 12 tools to benefit Modeler, I was able to find the DOC pages on the wayback machine & included them as MHTs...

    -Dynamic Realities NatureFX 2.0... Which is a water & ocean plugin, no example files, no docs I am gonna try to find some. Dynamic Realities was slight on their support files & even the ones that have them usually crappy examples...

    -Dynamic Realities Napalm 3.28... for volumetrics & such, has example files, Tuts & PDF manual...

    -Dynamic Realities Impact... For collision stuff & what-not...has example files, Tuts & PDF manual... If you wanna install this one you will have to drop some DLLs in System32...

    -Evasion3D ShadowDesigner 1.1... Includes manual & tutorials... I like this one you can really fart with shadows making stuff look inbetween radiosity & raytrace or offset of shadows in different ways...

    Except for DI Power Tools all others add plugins in Layout...

    Pass is WinWorld

  • Here's an old Dosch Light Effect Scene Set... 270+ Scenes some animated most not...



    Now the point is not to render out lumpy clumps, you replace the 'clump' with whatever you might wanna render or WIP of whatever... Who knows could be a high-tech revolutionary pulsating triple-ripple buttplug...

    Included a few loose models...

    Taco Bell building looking closed up in mojave desert-

    Three Arkham Models... Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, Joker...

    Everything is configured as drop-in to your content folder in proper manner... If you have a folder called 'Light Effect Scenes' in your scenes folder with scenes in it you should have exact same named folder in objects & images with objects & images in it otherwise things become hard to locate if LW asks where your crap is & also become a huge mess eventually unrecoverable...

    Pass is WinWorld


  • OK...ONE final posting here to wrap-up...

    Found NatureFX 1.4.1 with docs & tuts so since already had 2.0 this is good for learning either...It does water & cloud volumetrics mostly-

    Also another material shader plus displacement shader...

    Then 5 modeler plugs all useful for sure... So 8 plugs in all...

    Being last post figured throw in a few models too

    How about NURNIES?!!!!

    These are quite nice detailed nurnies not that low-poly garbage with a FAKE-O normal map put on...NO!...There's nothing quite like real displacement as opposed to optical buggery...20 Nurnies in all...

    I rendered 4 at a time for a better look-see on here as image size is limited...

    That should satisfy anyone's deep, dark perverse nurnie fantasies!...

    Also there's a HopperCraft-

    And I almost forgot... Everyone needs a BLIZZARD CHEST!!!

    You know, for your World of Warcraft or Diablo II Stash...

    OK, finished here with LW 6.5... You can do most anything with it even though 23 years old...OLD GOLD!!!

    Pass is WinWorld


  • edited January 2024
    Enjoyable thread. Is Worley's Fprime available anywhere ?
  • Yup, But is only good in like LW 8 thru maybe 11 as it's on the extinct list...

  • Talk or bell 🛎 can you reupload the x frog 🐸 plugin for light wave 👋 6.5 it looks like the x frog croaked it!
  • OK, But did you grab the trueSpace 4.3 you requested a bit ago?... Those links won't last forever>>>
  • Yes I did! Thanks for asking.
  • We need to archive all of TalkOrBell's stuff. HE is doing God's work. I have some of the stuff he used to send me up 3DT. You are the best TOB
  • How nice of you karnak>>> Good to see you are still above ground>>>
  • Thanks for the x frog 🐸 plugin
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