PowerBASIC 3.x

edited January 2024 in Product Comments
imagePowerBASIC 3.x

PowerBASIC is a continuation of Borland TurboBasic maintained by its original author, Robert S. Zale. It was originally notable as a BASIC compiler, when most BASIC environments were interpreted.

Read the full story here


  • edited January 2024
    If I would like to experiment with BASIC for MS-DOS, which one would you recommend? PowerBASIC?, Microsoft Visual Basic for DOS?, Microsoft QuickBasic?
  • If you don't need to compile programs (and if you're just experimenting then you don't), MS-DOS 5 and 6 include Qbasic and it works well enough to get a feel for the language. After you're comfortable with it, you can move on to QuickBasic (available here) -or probably PowerBasic. So playing with the basic already included with MS-DOS would be my recommendation.
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