OFFER!!!... BUZE Tracker 0.8.9 Win32... Sadly only on the Wayback Machine now>>>
Well, Was testing this with Sound Club for import of S3M looks favorable easy to switch out sounds with better ones plus a host of features many trackers don't have...
Checking online BUZE site is GONE!...
Latest version is 0.8.9... I am on 0.8.8 right now-
Luckily the downloads seem to work & most all the nice documentation is still there...
BUZE quite a powerhouse being able to use all kinda plugs including Jeskola BUZZ-

Also has cool features like being able to add SLIDERS to FX lanes-

Regular VST-VSTi a go as well

BUZE also has, wait for it... A PIANO ROLL!!... Yup & other than Aodix the only other VERTICAL piano roll which really makes more sense & easier to edit with pattern looping...
Not easy to find I made a tut GIF-

BUZE has been around since 2005 or so... Here's some tunes done in version 0.3 or up most from 2006-7 Second Relationships.mp3
Big issue with BUZE is that for VST-VSTi you have to carefully test, do NOT link it to a dedicated plug folder lest you get perpetual crash... Place the VST-VSTi in a 'VST' folder in the Gear directory a few at a time...
Mine is not yet builtup...
Starting from scratch first create hookup in machine view, R-Click on module (your VSTi) & choose to create pattern full or simple, then in pattern view in dropdown choose your VSTi then 'Create Pattern' then it will be there use Pattern Editor to add or delete anything not wanted...
In this case I added cutoff & resonance to automate using sliders-

However you could use curves or in this case convert to curves-

I like how you pronounce BUZE-

Checking online BUZE site is GONE!...
Latest version is 0.8.9... I am on 0.8.8 right now-
Luckily the downloads seem to work & most all the nice documentation is still there...
BUZE quite a powerhouse being able to use all kinda plugs including Jeskola BUZZ-

Also has cool features like being able to add SLIDERS to FX lanes-

Regular VST-VSTi a go as well

BUZE also has, wait for it... A PIANO ROLL!!... Yup & other than Aodix the only other VERTICAL piano roll which really makes more sense & easier to edit with pattern looping...
Not easy to find I made a tut GIF-

BUZE has been around since 2005 or so... Here's some tunes done in version 0.3 or up most from 2006-7 Second Relationships.mp3
Big issue with BUZE is that for VST-VSTi you have to carefully test, do NOT link it to a dedicated plug folder lest you get perpetual crash... Place the VST-VSTi in a 'VST' folder in the Gear directory a few at a time...
Mine is not yet builtup...
Starting from scratch first create hookup in machine view, R-Click on module (your VSTi) & choose to create pattern full or simple, then in pattern view in dropdown choose your VSTi then 'Create Pattern' then it will be there use Pattern Editor to add or delete anything not wanted...
In this case I added cutoff & resonance to automate using sliders-

However you could use curves or in this case convert to curves-

I like how you pronounce BUZE-

It's absolutely GREAT for being able to choose what FX lanes to use for parameters & such with sliders & curves on any of them combined with the close-by piano roll...
Was testing a number of BUZZ machines in it most work fine a few are quite advanced like the Farbrausch Synth which was used on all those demos back in the day...
You are supposed to be able to right-click on a machine to render to wavetable so far I am not getting it to work but hooking the wavetable recorder getting input from master works in manual mode recording synth into wavetable slots... Probably best used for playing-recording chords to be played back on a single note press or perhaps playing 3-4 synths on one note tracker where CPU gets high then just record & bounce out the play. Nice thing about manual mode is it just keeps recording till you stop it so if you blunder the chord or arpeggio you just wait a second & play again till you get it right then stop recording go in & pick out best version & hit 'trim' & all other is gone...
It's pretty deep, but I like it... Just hafta be careful about plugins, same with BeRoTracker...
Just discovered today CTRL-RightClick on an Effects Lane brings up new menu with all kinda options many of those with separate menus-
There's a Mixer in there too haven't figured it all out yet-
Appears that most synths & samplers are regulated to single instrument tracks with a few exceptions here-there... But you can make another instance or 3-4-5 more & each have own piano roll also this makes for unique hookups to FX & when all done one can 'Group' the entire chain into a single module & also hide all the piano rolls to clean up the GUI...
You then can take a screenshot & brag-boast about how you did all this complex tracking without any piano rolls & that you HATE piano rolls!!
Also I did not like the alternate color scheme nor the original 'BUZZ' scheme so I made some of my own today for me much better these colorful high contrast style...
There are 3 only difference is the selection color... Very small so should be no issue for attachment-
Combining TABs in BUZE... Pretty much try CTRL + Whatever on anything>>>>
I can tell by my download history, I got distracted with jammer pro!
You upload too fast!
I will revisit this!
It's a shame the install doesn't come with demo songs, I downloaded this a few months back...
Some work, some have missing or instruments not working.
Attached is the buze.chm converted to pdf.
Despite shortcomings I quite like BUZE... It reads Buzz PRS presets fine but outa luck for FXP/FXB... It'll read INTERNAL VST/VSTi presets fine & if you can switch out banks & such from plugin GUI you are good...
It does have it's own preset system so you can play knobby till it's right then save preset...
Some of the Buzz reverbs quite spectacular..
Pitch bending generators can be an issue because pitch bend is NOT a standard MIDI CC of the 128 of them but it's own 'bastardized' signal...
However Son-Of-A-Pitch works well in BUZE-
Apparently BUZE is great with external MIDI hardware with scriptable engine-
And that was an older version as well>>>
Internet damn near broken on the weekends anymore...
Tested some 'Heavy Hitter' Synths... the only NI plug I have working is Massive, all others fail, FM7, Battery, Pro-53, etc...
Synthmaster 2.6 fail as well as Synapse Dune...
However the U-He's & Serum OK even on directsound which had to turn up buffer from 512 to 2K for Diva-
BUZE rejects many QUALITY plugs yet accepts synthedits & synthmakers that others will not such as the crazy BV Music X11-
That crashes many host just loading up, no problem in BUZE...
Can't get most Linplug VSTi to work in BUZE except for Albino 2 & Morphox...
Rejects Native Instruments Kontakt2/ Battery ONE/Pro-53/FM7 But fine is-
Arturia/ U-He/ Some Native Instrument VSTi & more will show up in the EFFECTS list rather than Instruments... This tends to fill up space but just use the column-
Seems like chords rendered to Wavetable on the fly then saved out for use in current song using Xlutop Chainer... You can use different presets or synths for each note in the chord making quite versatile....
This was cool as one of the Krakli Plugs 'Xakt' tests out great in BUZE plus the sounds are different/cool...
This morning tested 8-10 so far no hangs or crashes so most should be good in BUZE even though they are ALL synthedit plugs haven't tried any of the 2016 plugs yet there are alot of plugs on that damn page>>>
Continuing on it appears the DSK Plugs work well too it's cool to be able to use such as most my stuff hates synthedit plugs...
BTW BUZE is real good about finding internal presets-
So here's old listing of DSK open link in new tab & allow it to re-direct then here it comes-
Have tried a handful, work pretty good more straighforward sound if you wanna wack it out put on FX you never need a different synth only right FX...
This link snapshot has a few more DSK-
Code Audio Beatburner is great & good match for BUZE...
However their download has the WRONG SERIAL!... I have notified them of this but in case they are SLOW here is the GOOD serial-
978691 258426 942822 437761
It was given out free back in 2005-6
It's not a beat slicer it's a beat matcher with FX processing using MIDI for control of patterns, samples, etc-
Only thing to figure is how many DEC/HEX skips per pattern or sample change... Should be around 5 for patterns & around 13 for samples so using HEX a 1 for first sample then E for next sample... Patterns should be 1/6/B.........
There's other good stuff they got the Angular Momentum collection most all work I had problems with Unifyer & Uni-Control-
Some plugs are worth cherry picking out singular Arppe2600va & MinimogueVA both work great in BUZE-
however MinimogueVA comes in as an instrument but Arppe2600va comes in as an EFFECT!!-
So if you are testing out new plug & you don't see it in 'Generators' then look in 'Effects' sometimes BUZE gets confused but they work like they should anyways...
MinimogueVA quite nice there's 4 versions plus some extra banks-
I spent a bit of time going through the help on buze, it wasn't very helpful... a lot of trial and error to learn how to use it. Maybe it assumes you already have used a tracker... it's definitely no Sound Club!
I'm starting to like making waves more after seeing some trackers... I like the fruity loop way of repeating bars, rather than copying and pasting patterns through the whole song.
I agree with you Buze is amazing with VST's and easy to create samples with!
It made me aware that probably some might get 'hung up' & even though it's not as simple as Sound Club it's really not that much harder...
So I made a GIF Tut it's 20 frames about as short as I can make it... Should help anyone out there get started with it-
Frame you are on is in upper left-
Making Waves is great... You see my MO is to use programs for their strengths BUTT! They must be simple enough to pick right back up having not used for weeks or months as I travel from one to another... So no blenders or logic audio or such crap...
Buddy, don't get set into anything tight there's more still have yet to post Evolution Sound Studio II, Massiva 1.21, Zynewave Podium 2.2 plus reuploading Cubase VST24 3.70... Also found very useful for JUST AUDIO no MIDI is ACiD 2.0d very simple-fast stable for stems from groove boxes, drum machines or anything else...
OK it's morning still 12 hours good for edit here so made another GIF tut covering making Wavetable Chords... 11 Frames on this one....
In some cases if with right Synth with right settings using a quick 'arpeggio' chording instead of hitting all keys at once makes plenty convincing chords such as with Krakli Xakt-
The TB4005 (GUI-Less 303) has a chord feature-
BK SynthLabs INTRO is rather nice-
Direct Wayback Link-
"Buddy, don't get set into anything tight ...." I totally do!
If it "clicks" with me then yes! I geek out!
But I will always try new stuff
Thanks for the tutorial slides! very helpful!
I dont have many VST's and I get the basics of the machine side.
I struggled with the tracking side following the help.
I got through the help, and the rest is a FAQ.
I found these videos, and they helped but I couldn't figure out the key to stop a note.
(machine side)
(tracking side)
I completely missed "Create Simple Pattern Format" (slide1 13).
And "pattern create" from the machine/instrument (slide1 15).
CTRL-Right click a slider (slide1 20) wow! I didn't know that either
slide2 is also helpful, the GUI'less option and recording and playing back samples.
Thanks for the VST's, I'll check them out.
Yeah, I've seen those videos they are done in a way older version of BUZE Thank God our versions are not that 'Fiddly' with much being sorted out otherwise I probably would not use it... When I watch those videos I wonder if the guy wore out his QWERTY keyboard just doin' the videos...
No the key for cut (or OFF) is the Tilde key no using shift just the key... That's if you are in the tracker note lane (cursor flashing) everytime you press the key it follows whatever skip you have for the notes, which is handy as you can quickly staccato a group of notes... or you can do organic by just dragging the very tail of any note in the piano roll up or down then an 'OFF' is created automatically...
And YES, CTRL-RClick on a slider (or HEX or Envelope) It's gonna take me awhile to get through all those commands...
Already used 'Echo' a couple times great for repeating a short riff through the pattern...
When attempting to setup online sales from his country he found the process so difficult & expensive he decided to give them away as donationware but his site was only up a few years...
There's two individual ones plus a pack of 10-
Though BUZE does have a Mixer it's a bit oddball however the Spirit Canyon Audio Live Pack works fine & you can label the channels nice that once you have the GUI open it is open no matter where you are say in pattern view or wavetable...
There's also a reverb there too might as well grab it also-
Another short tutorial GIF covering the 'ECHO' command many other commands applied in similar fashion...
The GIF is 7 frames what frame you are on is at upper left-
sequencing synth ever made...
Luckily it meshes well with the BUZE preset system which you will have to use... It syncs to BUZE as well so no issues... It is certainly the FUNNEST sequencing synth to mess with & also everything has automation param plus a few more that aren't on the main GUI... This makes it a perfect match for BUZE's convenient automation lanes... You can easily make a whole tune varied & musical...
There's others there too I like Swordedge the rest not so much...
Cracking on finally found a 'Note-to-Chord' plug that works in BUZE... Tried quite a few alot of them are junk...
ChordworX from Topaz, it's at the bottom of the page-
There's some other freebies might be worthwhile there...
ChordworX is also what is needed for many ARPing Synth as they detect the chord you wish to arpeggiate-
Many of the more common compound chords have numerous inversions available too...
MauSynth is poly & Kairatune is mono (but VERY GOOD)...
MauSynth here, ONLY get the 'Metro' version others cause instability-crash-
Get Kairatune here but navigate to previous versions & SECOND page of that till you get to version 1.2.4 32bits (that's what I'm using here)-
Thanks for sharing this suggestions.
Been sick a number of days, fever, couldn't even hardly get up, much better now but still not 100%....
Here's another cluster of good one's from Dead Duck-
Depending on browser you may have to push on the blue 'downloads' before the link in the blue area appears-
Use the 32bitters toss the 64bitters... Good stuff really like the 'Utility' for use in BUZE...