Looking for NeXTStep/OPENSTEP 4.X for SPARC, preferably 4.2 but it doesn't matter that much. The install discs in the library are only for x86 and m68k. Thank you!
"First piece of info, here https://peterwong.net/blog/creating-an-openstep-boot-cd-2/ I found info that indicates the OpenStep 4.2 "Intel" ISOs are actually universal, they dropped HP PA-RISC but have tri-fat Intel, M68k, and SPARC binaries and the 3 Mach/kernels on there. "
"First piece of info, here https://peterwong.net/blog/creating-an-openstep-boot-cd-2/
I found info that indicates the OpenStep 4.2 "Intel" ISOs are actually universal, they dropped HP PA-RISC but have tri-fat Intel, M68k, and SPARC binaries and the 3 Mach/kernels on there. "