Beta archive inaccessible to me....

So I head over to BA to check a few things and all I get is this shit telling me that it needs to verify I'm "human". The message just sits there. It is in accessible to me on this computer now.

This cloudflair crap is everywhere, which means more web sites will likely become inaccessible to me. This nonsense is one of the reasons I wish BA had kept their FTP access.

Somehow I doubt BA is being hammered by AIs... there is nothing intelligent there. :P


  • It can get worse...

  • Upshot: account deactivated. Can only be activated by an admin - that I cannot contact because I cannot login...

    rather circular...
  • I can access it just fine, and I didn't come across that Cloudflare check.

    But based on the replies here, it's not really worth checking out anyway. Heard some bad things about it to be honest and have for years...
  • Arrrag, just ran in to this same thing on a site I need to use to pay a bill.

    "Security". What a joke. What a sick BS joke.

    You humans should briefly see that message when you first connect to a site that is infected with this naziware.

    I can't deal with this crap any more.
  • Welcome to The Matrix, Mr. Anderson. Take a cookie.

  • It's a rigged game. a private religious cult that demands you make sacrificial offerings to the altar of the high priest.

    They claim to have 200 terabytes of software. They also claim poor and beg for donations. Yet they have the monies to pay for Cloudflare.

    To gain access to that 200tb of softs, you MUST first upload a software they don't already have, and you MUST do it in accordance with their "guidelines" - which is a lengthy treatise that involves many, many "DO, OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES", requirements to use arcane software to make CD images, standards for product images - it goes on and on..

    The 2nd means to gain access is to make a substantial money "donation".

    AND: the high priest Mr. pjs and his lackey andie make it clear that EVEN IF you upload something nice and/or a money donation, it is not a guarantee you will be permitted access to their stash.

    That means they have your hard labor and money, and you may get NOTHING.
    Now, I have done both, and found out the hard way, that they are small minded, petty and petulant as any neutered animal one might encounter.

    Oh, and before I forget, if you are one of the flying monkeys in good standing with the high priest, you can upload a mutilated set of files - a turd anywhere else - IF it's a sought after one, and get praises heaped on you.

    I joined that site, specifically to find a particular build of Office 2000. I did not realize what a bunch of mutual admiration types inhabited it.

    Since then, I found that particular version of Office 2000, then offered it to them as well as others. Mt. pjs said it was interesting, and would be interested, but then began preaching to me.


    Since then EVERYTHING goes to - which means the whole damn world has access, not fees, not groveling, just download and enjoy.

    Here are 2 of the Office 2000 offers I presented:
  • Oh, wow, this whole cloudsnare thing has gotten much more sinister.

    This "check", is blocking access to a large number of sites for non-mainstream web browsers such as PaleMoon and NewMoon. These non mainstream browsers feature better user interfaces, extended OS compatibility, customization, and sometimes needed for accessibility.

    They started attacking and intentionally crashing some of these browsers through this check. The browser maintainers have fixed that crash, but now the check is artificially "freezing". Apparently just changing the user agent in a "mainstream" browser will replicate this freeze.

    The "check" seems to consist of obscure scripting attacks, that will fail if things are not EXACTLY like cloudflare thinks they should be. (Expect mainstream browsers to fail too when the wind is blowing from the wrong direction).

    Cloudflare claims they are not specifically blocking browsers, but that is indeed what they are doing.

    From what I have read, it sounds like cloudflare is going down the toilet, and anyone using them should abandon ship.
  • "it sounds like cloudflare is going down the toilet"

    Just as with virustotal. To broaden the market, both dilute the product to gain sales from lower tier entities. To CYA their hinnies, they flag much more, then tell their clients "see what good lads we are" to the paying fools.

  • BetaArchive used be good website back in the day. Now BetaArchive decline to childless posts about nothing. I try applying for FTP Access back in the day now it calls HTTP Access today they denied me membership to BA FTP/HTTP Access. That is real reason I help WinWorld not BetaAchive. BetaArchive is dead to me. BetaArchive is closed system you need member of HTTP Access to download to files unlike WinWorld is open system you do not need to member to download files.
  • I got locked out of BetaArchive about a year ago when they decided they didn't like my password any more. No big loss, it was like being in school again, with the admins as sarcastic teachers.
  • Mine and other comments remind me of the famous American comedian Groucho Marx.
  • Well, I've had that cloudflair verification pop up in some other sites. It's sad and disgusting that we have gotten to the point where a single company can push a button and lock out whoever they want.

    Anyway, Betaarchive is a different kind of archive and that is not entirely a bad thing. The submission requirement to gain access helps keep copyright trolls out as they would have to break their own rules to get access. Personally, I don't see BA's archival rules as hard to follow, although a few details are disagreeable. Their HTTP access would be better if it worked more like Internet Archive and combined files for download.

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