ok here's my prob....
I'm working on a thinkpad 755cx for a friend of mine. It's running 95b. His ISP is peoplePC and when I try to install the peoplePC software on the machine, it says I need IE 5.5 SP1, which I DLed from Evolt...the IE download deflates files, but then my IE 3.0 or whatever it is, remains unchanged. I've tried installing 98se the laptop, but the installer locks up, or if I use the touchpoint it locks up...Ideas? other that switching ISPs?
anyone know how to do that with nz.
i think with isp's like people pc u have to use thier software, just like nz and juno.
ISPs burn CDs with their software, that is used to set up a connection, without any problems...
Exactly I dunno what problems can be with Windows Dial-up Networking...
That ISP CDs are good for n00bs.
Well, Nemo, isn't it crazy that I am trying to explain it in English... Give me a telephone call... and I'll explain it in Russian
Whether you installed something like that or not install it again something may be fucked.