More efficient conventional memory use
Hey everyone, I was on these forums before but got sidetracked... back again
Be unafraid, be VERY VERY unafraid lol
Just wanted to know how all of you running dos manage your conventional memory... I managed to tweak a barebones system in VPC to about 18k, but that was without a whole pile of stuff!
I've read that UMBPCI.SYS uses less conventional than emm386 etc...
Just food for thought
EDIT: Whoops... meant to say there's 18k being USED not free lol

Just wanted to know how all of you running dos manage your conventional memory... I managed to tweak a barebones system in VPC to about 18k, but that was without a whole pile of stuff!
I've read that UMBPCI.SYS uses less conventional than emm386 etc...
Just food for thought

EDIT: Whoops... meant to say there's 18k being USED not free lol
Just have to edit out EMM386...
Go to Links section and you'll see...
Q has a HUGE laptop that I call the sewing machine, because its so large, and hes going to get a like... 2MB expansion for it LOL.
And that tower? Is it Big-Tower or Super-Big-Tower?
Can I have the old IBM sitting on the floor there?
I paid nothing for any Macs, all were free.
The IBM is heatsink for Ibook.
The tower is the unambiguous BlacII.1
Because it (they) was (were) given to me.
That meaning what? the Macs?
Side: Neutral.
PS. Yes, it IS amazzing. And Fish got his new MB (What this forumn is running on) from it!
I want the IBM. What make and year is it anyway?