BlacIII / FishOutPost
FishOutPost (So called because Mayor Q found a Fish toy in the parking lot) AKA BlacIII will be shortly inaugurated! This, the 1st Q supported system out side of the City Limits, will be nonetheless given full access to QCs internal infrastructure and enjoy all the benefits thereof! The parts (except the monitor, which will be filled from local surplus) have been acquired and will be shortly assembled by Public Works Director Q on site.
The are:
Black case ("What did you expect?" deadpanned Mayor Q @ the meeting of the City Council. The PWD also expressed some dissatisfaction with the contractor-suppleir, which no longer carried the type of case used in BlacII, forcing an alternative, many thought "2nd best", selection)
400Watt PSU (PWD Q noted "It was cheaper then the 300W by the same ppl!")
MSI A64 motherbord (Same tried and true one as BlacII.1s)
A64 3200+ (Again, same as BlacII.1)
512MB DDR (
The are:
Black case ("What did you expect?" deadpanned Mayor Q @ the meeting of the City Council. The PWD also expressed some dissatisfaction with the contractor-suppleir, which no longer carried the type of case used in BlacII, forcing an alternative, many thought "2nd best", selection)
400Watt PSU (PWD Q noted "It was cheaper then the 300W by the same ppl!")
MSI A64 motherbord (Same tried and true one as BlacII.1s)
A64 3200+ (Again, same as BlacII.1)
512MB DDR (
I have seen things go faster, like when raring big things if you have more ram.
CPU is good. Someday things will take advantage of it.
Advancement of Q City Networking Capabilites Achived
Q City (WW) - Public Works Director Q announced today that the operation of joining the 2 routers in the possesion of Q City Municipal Works Department, a generic CompUSA, widely regarded the better, and a slow Linksys. The 2 were joined after what PWD Q calls "A long process of trial and error" stating that "This is really the 1st time that anything like that has been done in QC".
Not all citizens where happy with the move, most citing concerns that the Linksys router had a bad reputation, some even going so far as to say that the old 10MiB/S switch underlaying the current networking setup would be better, "It's slow but not slow in response like the LS" said local denizen Q. Most opponents of the plan are citing the less then stellar performance of the Linksys after a period of intense hype over it's arrival, other cite interrupted uploads to neighbor cities and the ill fame garnered thus.
PWD Q is nonetheless confident and assured @ the change: "We literally had no ports left over before, now we've got 2 spare, which will be 1 after BlacIII / FishOutPost hooks up. Also on the subject, as soon as we've connected our end of the cable-road, then we'll have fulfilled our end of the bargain for B3/FOP. In fact, I think we'll be sitting pretty before they even get fully assembled, and you'll've allmost all forgotten about this buissiness before the 1st IP packet comes down the line."
I wonder what OS are you going to install on that machine?
P.S. "400Watt PSU" Never heard of so much.,.
You can get 500watt PSUs here, even 550 watt!
Q, be sure you got a good power supply. (ie a Zalman or Enermax), cheap things are not even 400 watt. I have a 300watt psu that says "maximum power output: 160watt"
The OS will probably be 2000, XP, or SuSE.
PS. Yes, I "do" "speed".
PPS. If you can't (Or deliberately don't) get that, then you...
400 is insanely common these days, Im on a 400 watt (I think its an enermax)
LMAO! Yeah, it seems like Q does.
But I do think it is cool how Q turned his network/computers into a city like thing.
There's the center of it (The "Command Center")
The highrises/center city (BlacII.1)
The upscale heights (Imac)
The middle class suburbs (Ibook) (I'm spelling it like that on purpose)
And now the outpost in the "wilderness" (FSO/BlacIII)
And express lines to all!
Do you play SimCity?
DVD-ROM and Monitor to be Used in BlacIII
Public Works Director and Establishment Committee Chairman Agree on Strategic Donations
Q City (WW) - In a move that Public Works Director Q called "Another show of our comittment to the soon to be established BlacIII / FishOutPost city", BlacII.1 will be giving, free of charge, it's DVD-ROM and monitor. The circumstances of this amazzingly 1 sided exchange were explained by PWD Q @ a recent press conference:
"Well the DVD-ROM was really never used, which reminds me, it might not work :hiding:, so we felt there wasn't much of a problem in giving it to them to help them on their feet. And besides they've got an external DVD drive that we can appropriate when neccisary.
"As to the old monitor, well, recent investigations have shown that the OLDER one, that went South JUST before installing Linux that 1 time was now refreshed and could be used.
"Infact, we're using it now...
"We also used the chance to carry out some routine maintenence like changing a floppy cable, etc."
Now many significant obtacles to the operation of BlacIII / FOP have been removed, now, according to the Public Works Office, all that remains is the running of the Ethernet cable underfloor, and the choice of hard drive, and the choice of OS.
PS. Yes, I know. SuSE "owns".
What's the problem?
Keep in mine that this isnt you using it, its your parents, who are going to want something they already know... Back one time when I IMed you, and it was your mom on the computer, she said "I came to use the computer but everything isnt how it 'should' be." Because you had SuSE lol.
@ anyrate, I don't think it'll be THAT hard for them to get used to. And it wont be her using it, she's got the Mac and likes it, THAT'S what she meant by "it wasn't right". And if I need to make it look like Windows or a Mac, KDE has themes and settings for that.