w000t! I flashed my DVDRW drive!
I was looking around yesterday to see which formats my DVDRW notebook drive supports, and I found out that it would support Dual Layer DVD write @ 8x with another firmware, so I decided to take the risk and flashed the drive... And it worked! It supports DVD Dual Layer now! 9gb on 1 DVDR disc! w000t (woot)
I'm planning to flash my cell phone as well :P
This is the first time I ever flashed a DVDdrive. And I was pretty nervous because I didnt really know where the new firmware exactly came from.
I've never flashed anything except BIOSes on PIs...
A pack of 20 CDRs cost about
Either them, or Digital Research. The DR's were unusable in like 5 months, and I kept them in good conditions, either in my CD player or in my CD case. (fail)
Err... I can't find it...