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FishNET3000 wrote: testing
Roger wrote: Wow awesome!
Topher wrote: Roger wrote: Wow awesome! Indeed. (PS i used QuickReply for this)
FishNET3000 wrote: Ive said that the page generation thing isnt properly working several times LOL
SurfinShell23 wrote: I don't see pag gen... maybe cuz I'm in Macinscott theme.
Steve wrote: I'm in smartdark and I see it
FishNET3000 wrote: Its there in the mac theme, just you need to hilight the bottom section to see it, since the text is white and so is the theme thing lolz
They look ugly on this theme and useless, but still!
PS. And they require 4 tabs instead of 2!!
(PS i used QuickReply for this)
PS. I don't know the date...
[ Time : 1101528176.79s | PHP : 100% | SQL : 0% | 13 Queries | GZIP : Off | Debug : On ]
I think something is a little screwed up.
whoops. well it used to work (maybe), and you didnt mention it in this topic, so I figuered it was something that recently happend....
I use smartDark, and I also remember it being in subBlack too.
and so do I.
Trying to quote Fish's post... works.